Ad Team at UA Places Second in National Competition
Published 10:52 am Friday, July 24, 2009
The University of Alabama’s student advertising team placed second in the American Advertising Federation National Student Advertising Competition held in Washington, D.C.
A poster designed by the UA Ad Team utilizes humor to combat binge drinking.
UA’s Ad Team advanced to the national competition with their “LessThanUThink” advertising campaign designed for this year’s client, the Century Council, a non-profit organization funded by distillers dedicated to fighting drunk driving and underage drinking.
This year’s contest, in which 141 teams competed, was unique in that it is the first time in the competition’s 36-year history that students have been tasked with addressing a social issue: combating the overconsumption of alcohol on college campuses.
Based on the UA team’s research, they developed a campaign using humorous messages and consisting of posters, print and Web advertisements, an interactive Web site and more. The team tested the initiatives on and around the UA campus for three days in the spring semester.
“The UA Ad Team’s campaign is relevant and highlights embarrassing situations that students could find themselves in when they over consume alcohol.
“It’s not preachy, and that is why it works,” said Teri Henley, Ad Team adviser and an advertising and public relations instructor in the College of Communication and Information Sciences. “Who better to address the problem of binge drinking on college campuses than college students themselves?”
The 2009 UA Ad Team members include:Morgan Welch, Luverne; Jason Brandt, Dallas, Texas; David Calhoun, Jackson, Miss.; Jessica Charlton, Prattville; Allison Duke, Nashville, Tenn.; Austin During, Chelsea; Kevin Kessler, Mountain Brook; Sarah King, Richmond, Va.; Amanda Kirkland, Leeds; Monica McCall, Tuscaloosa; Adam McCormick, Winston-Salem, N.C.; Emily Roberson, Madison; Carly Jane Rullman, Charlottesville, Va.; Tanya Twerdowsky, Northport; Matt Williams, Tuscaloosa.