City sees gross revenue double over last 10 years
Published 12:00 am Thursday, September 14, 2006
In 10 years the City of Greenville has doubled its revenue from $5 million to $10 million according to an independent audit conducted by Branum and Company.
“Financially, the city is in good health,” said Glenn Branum, presenting his findings to the city council during Monday night's regular meeting. “There's no big fluctuation from expenses compared to budget.”
Greenville Mayor Dexter McLendon said the increase in revenue indicates the city is headed in the right direction.
In the last 10 years, the city has seen big growth along I-65 with new developments popping up seemingly overnight.
“More and more businesses are looking at Greenville for a home,” he said.
In other business, the council:
nAuthorized additional funding in the amount of $15,000 from the city's Capital Improvement Fund for development of the City's Emergency Operations Center EOC and authorized an additional $17,032 expenditure from the General Fund for the Depot Renovation Project.
n Reappointed Nedra Crosby and appointed Jeddo Bell to the Greenville/Butler County Public Library Board. Bell will assume the term of the late Annie Lewis. Also reappointed Roberta Gamble, Tom Payne and Vivian McGowin to the Ritz Advisory Board.
n Rescinded approval of a $21,125 expenditure to Kent Tanner to dismantle the airport hangars at Mac Crenshaw Memorial Airport, and awarded the bid of $21,700 to Philen Construction Company. Tanner retracted his proposal. The airport hangars will be reassembled at the Public Works complex as heavy equipment sheds.
n Approved the following expenditures: $1,248.50 to Municipal Code Corporation for codification and distribution copies of City Code Supplement No. 15; $1,110.42 to Middleton Oil Company, Inc. for 468 gallons of diesel fuel for Landfill Expansion Project; $1,618.10 to ADAPCO for 55 gallon drum of malathion for mosquito control; $1,250 to Ozark Fire Department for firefighter recruit school tuition for Greenville firemen Michael Hollyfield and B.J. Alford; $3,865.09 to Andalusia Ford for an engine for police vehicle No. 73.
In announcements:
n Councilman Tommy Ryan will hold a District 3 public meeting on Sept. 19 at the Housing Authority Main Office located at 601 Beeland St. Ryan invites all citizens of District 3 to bring their thoughts, concerns and suggestions to the meeting. Written statements are welcome and a suggestion box will be provided. The meeting will start at 6 p.m.
n The next regular city council meeting will be held on Monday, Sept. 25 at 5:30 p.m.