Debris removal operations continue on county roads
Published 12:00 am Saturday, November 20, 2004
Two months after Hurricane Ivan county crews are still working diligently to clear Butler County roadways of debris. The County, along with the Army Corps of Engineers continue the task of cleaning up.
County crews are currently working in the Industry and Oakey Streak communities. The crews are concentrating on debris cleanup of unpaved roads. The Army Corp of Engineers is administering the cleanup operations of the paved road systems within Butler County. These operations are currently located in the Pigeon Creek, Friendship and Manningham communities.
Butler County Commission Chairman Jesse McWilliams said things are going as planned.
"It's going as well as can be expected," McWilliams said. "It's just slow and there are so many miles of roads so it will take a while."
McWilliams said with different crews coming in people often wonder what is going on.
"I think people are getting confused when one crew goes in to get the small stuff and then they leave and it is just a week behind that before another crew will come," McWilliams said. "Sometimes it is even longer than that."
For those who have questions McWilliams said he and the county will be more than happy to answer any inquiries they may have.
"For anyone that has any questions they can call the Road Department or they can call me," McWilliams said. "I will be glad to answer any questions or find out anything I can for them."
The Commission continues to express their appreciation to the residents of Butler County for their patience during the recovery period.