Children waiting in line for magic carpet rides

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, June 7, 2000

Imagine visiting the days of the dragons with monstrous beasts roaming around breathing fire and capturing princesses. Or, think back to a day at the beach, complete with gentle waves and building sand castles in the sand.

Now, imagine going to all these places, and many more, all in one summer.

The Greenville-Butler County Public Library is giving area children the chance to travel on a magic carpet to these destinations in the summer library program "Imagination Destination."

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The activities begin June 12 and run until July 12. Age groups are split up into different categories: preschoolers; kindergarten through first grade; and second, third and fourth grades.

Different activities and programs are scheduled for each group. Each week, the children have different themes, allowing them to travel to different places while attending the program. The preschoolers will go to the farm, to the circus, on a summer safari, to Mother Goose land and to nonsense land. They will meet each Monday from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Kindergarten and first graders will go camping, to the circus, to the beach to fairytale land and do the days of the dinosaurs and will meet

10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Second through fourth graders will go camping, to the West, to the beach, to Oz and to the days of the dragons. They will meet 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Jean Bauer, librarian and organizer of the event, said they hope the summer program will be as successful as it was in the past.

"We put out posters and give out bookmarks organizing the event. During the school year, I also go to the classrooms a take stories and crafts to tell all the children about it," she said.

Aside from reading books, the children will also participate in crafts pertaining to the theme for the week and construct puppets, magic wands and "sit upons." Snacks and games will also be available for the children.

The helpers will read a few stories during the hour, and the children will be given a reading list of other books they can check out and read during the remainder of the week. They will also be given reading logs to keep up with what books they read.

At the end of the program, there will be a special event for all the children to participate.

Burke McFerrien, librarian and organizer of the event, said the main point of the event is to keep children reading during the summer.

"We place great emphasis on books for each child age group so they won't fall behind in their reading during the summer," McFerrien said.

There is a maximum limit of 30 children per session. The library staff does not require participants to sign up ahead of time, but would like to have an idea of how many children to expect in one session. To register a child for the summer activity, call 382-3216.