Greenville restores Pioneer Cemetery

Cemetery restoration is an ongoing project for most communities and Greenville is no exception.

The City of Greenville budgeted $5,554.23 to JDM Services, owned by James D. Moody Jr., for repair and restoration projects inside Pioneer Cemetery. The money not only covers the  labor costs, but will also purchase the new materials used in the project.

JDM Services from Honoraville is doing the restoration work. 

Although there are several cemeteries in Greenville, Pioneer Cemetery, or The Old Cemetery as it says on the gate, is the oldest cemetery in Greenville. It was established in 1819 on what was then the outskirts of town.

But the town has grown and with expansion, town borders shifted to encompass the cemetery, which is now located in the center of downtown.

Work was started last year to restore certain sections in the north end of the cemetery. Now, JDM is working to complete even more plots in that area.

This company has previously completed work in the eastern section of the cemetery, making sure the grave stones are stable as well as attractive to visitors.

Charles Newton, a member of the Butler County Historical Society, spoke to the Advocate last year about the ongoing repairs. 

“Moody’s been doing work all over the cemetery, repairing some of the older graves,” Newton said.

The Pioneer Cemetery Preservation Association (PCPA) is also involved with the upkeep of the historic Butler county landmark. According to their website, “Members have been ever mindful of our mission. We feel we have a historic treasure here in Greenville that only needs to be polished.”

The site also explains the city’s part in the restorations,”The City of Greenville has been instrumental in providing funds for this part of the restoration.” 

The site also thanks Greenville Mayor Dexter McLendon and the Greenville City Council for their generous support.

The PCPA credits this money, as well as fund raisers, for their ability to hire professionals like JDM Services.

JDM Services is located at 3247 Honorville Road in Greenville.

The PCPA can be reached at PO Box 782, Greenville, AL.  or by email at
