Chamber awards 2021 Camellia Girl/Chamber Page scholarships

Two students were recently awarded the 2021 Camellia Girl/Chamber Page scholarship recipients.

Jordan Neese, 2021 graduate of Greenville High School, and Park McNaughton, Fort Dale Academy class of 2021 graduate were awarded the 2021 Greenville Area Chamber of Commerce’s Camellia Girl/Chamber Page Ambassador Scholarship.

The recipients received their awards at the Chamber’s bi-monthly board meeting held on Wednesday, May 19th. The scholarship was in the amount of $500.

The criteria for the scholarship is based on Service hours, written essay on leadership and community, and extracurricular school and community activities.

The Chamber of Commerce says they want to give young men and women the opportunity to be involved with the Greenville business community and allow them to serve as ambassadors for the city and Chamber of Commerce at community events throughout the year.

The program educates these young men and women in the responsibilities and requirements of corporate citizenship. Ambassadors learn about the Chamber of Commerce, local businesses, local government, and how community service helps the community.

Senior ambassadors were awarded a certificate of participation and a personalized custom gift from True South, Sweet Heart Alabama, McFerrin’s Jewelry and Butler Farmers Co-Op at the meeting.

2020-21 Senior Ambassadors: Riley Boutwell, Parker McNaughton, Jordan Neese, Dawson Sarblah, and Jackson Simmons. Not pictured: Emily Davis, Simon Edwards, Reilly McNaughton, Jamie Pickens, Jess Causey, Nate Richardson, and Megan Wright.

“Thank you to each and every senior ambassador for your service, dedication, and love for your community,” the Chamber of Commerce wrote.  “We look forward to seeing the big things each of you accomplish as you move forward to the next chapter in life!”
