Handicapped car tags: Officials discuss protocol for obtaining handicapped tags
Published 3:55 pm Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Officials say that parking in a handicapped parking spot without proper tags and signs can result in fines beginning at $50 and ending at $300. (Photo by Beth Hyatt)
By Shayla Terry:
In the recent weeks, it has been brought to the attention of the public that there have been multiple handicap parking violations.
Handicap parking is only to be utilized my cars that are appropriately permitted. Handicap parking permits are given through the local probate judge’s office. Individuals must apply for a permit. The application can be picked up from the probate’s office, then taken to a physician to complete. Return the completed form to the probate’s office, and permits will be issued accordingly.
“There is no additional cost for the handicap tags, it’s the basic cost of any other tag,” Crenshaw County Probate Judge William Tate said. “There is no cost for the placards either.”
You may apply for a permanent handicap tag or a temporary one. Permanent tags expire every five years. Temporary tags expire after six months. For renewal after expiration, individuals must complete the application again. In the renewal process, a physician does not have to certify your disability.
Illegally parking in handicap spaces has consequences. Persons initially caught illegally parking will be issued a $50 fine.
“Second offenses carry a $200 fine and third offences carry a $300 fine,” Attorney Wayne Carter said.
“We will prosecute violations according to the law,” Luverne Chief of Police Paul Allen said.
The Application for Disability Access Parking Privileges can also be accessed online and taken to the probate judge’s office.