Georgiana community seeking to rebuild parks and rec department

Published 4:56 pm Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Several members of the Georgiana community are making a concerted effort to give Butler County’s youth one more outlet for outdoor recreation.

But in order to get it done, they’ll need a little help.

Work has begun on the revitalization of the Georgiana Parks and Recreation Department, with the newly christened Ali Crenshaw spearheading the effort.

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“It’s in the slumps right now, so we’re trying to bring it back up,” Crenshaw said.

“We’re trying to get kids from everywhere in the Butler County area to bring everything back up to speed.”

The department has made a request for any financial help in reestablishing programs for young boys and girls, including football, basketball, tee-ball, baseball and cheerleading.

The program, originally started in 1983 to provide afterschool and summer activities for children ages 6-13, has recently fallen into decline.

Crenshaw and various Georgiana residents are hoping to rebuild the program responsible for teaching sportsmanship, teamwork and the importance of following rules and regulations in youth.

Crenshaw has charged the department with a goal of doubling the approximate 150 children participating in the program.

One of the biggest areas of focus for the department lies in replacing a number of accessories for young players, including uniforms and equipment, as well as restoring playground equipment.

Crenshaw said that the department is “starting from ground zero” and, to that end, is asking for help from Butler County residents.

The department has started a fundraising project at asking for $2,000 worth of donations.

The fundraising effort is only five days old and, at press time, is well short of its goal.  Fortunately, GoFundMe fundraisers differ from other popular avenues such as Kickstarter in that there are no deadlines or goal requirements.

But Crenshaw said that support is appreciated, regardless of whether the donation be one of money or time.

“In order to bring this program back up to standard, it is going to take the help of everyone inside and outside the community,” Crenshaw continued.

“Any and all donations or sponsorships that you can provide are greatly appreciated.  This is only one of many fundraisers.  Everyone please come together and make our first fundraiser a success.”