Valentine’s Day news from around Luverne
Published 2:42 pm Friday, February 26, 2010
The Children of the Beacon Children’s Hospital were recently surprised by the CCHA. The Pink Ladies chose to present the children with special surprise, which was the Nintendo Wii along with the latest Exercise Game.
For Valentine Day – Feb. 14 – the children each received a box of valentine candy.
This endeavor by the Pink Ladies is another example of their commitment and dedication to serve others.
The South Luverne Baptist WMU treated the Children at Beacon Children’ Hospital with a bag of fruit with a valentine attached.
Each boy and girl was presented a cloth doll with a note that told a heart-warming story with a special message.
Doris Rogers made the 17 dolls, assisted by Sherry Humphrys and Jane Kauffman.
Edna Norsworthy was responsible of getting the fruit bags that were prepared by the produce manager at our local Super Foods.
The South Luverne Relay for Life Team’s Valentine covered dish lunch held on Sunday Feb. 14 was a great success.
The team appreciates the support that was given.
It was like a homecoming for Rev. Bobby and Jeanette Holliday as he was the guest speaker for the morning and evening worship services in the absence of Pastor Mike Green.
Several of Brother Bobby’s former high school classmates were present and welcomed him to SLBC. The Relay lunch was served immediately after the morning worship hour.
The fellowship hall was decorated in the valentine theme with red table clothes on all the tables with red and white flowers in the center of each table.
Calvin and Gail Bowden do a great job serving as hostess for SLBC events. Bobby and Jeanette are formerly from this area and have relatives here.
It was very interesting to know his first church he served was Glenwood Baptist and his first wedding performance was when he married Morris and Ann Tate. He also performed the wedding for the Tates’ youngest son Matt and Misty.
This Week…. It’s Relay for Life time again for the American Cancer Society. Please support this worthy cause.
If you would like to donate or join a team call Edna Norsworthy (334) 335-6643.
If no answer leave a message and someone will get back with you!
Descendants of Jeff Raley, Clemmie Raley Everage, and Willie Annette Raley Horn gathered Saturday Feb. 20, 2010 for the annual Horn / Raley Reunion at the private dining room of The Chicken Shack.
Forty six relatives from Alabama, Florida, and Georgia enjoyed food, fellowship and fun. Olene Tisdale, 89 years old, and Mary Alford, 90 years old, were the oldest relatives present.
A beautifully-decorated yellow sheet cake with chocolate icing with “ Happy Cousins Day” in bright colors was provided by Mary Frances Garner.
The joy and laughter of visiting each other was evident as the cousins arrived.
This reunion is held every third Saturday in February each year. Family pictures of ancestors were displayed. One of the highlights of interest was a scrap book by Becky Rogers of the 100th year celebration that was held in Luverne in 1989.
The book held pictures of the special events and news articles. Becky was in charge of this Alabama Reunion that was very successful time in history.
The entire congregation of First Baptist Church of Luverne participated in the Winter Mission Study at a recent Sunday night service which focused on the people groups of Africa.
Mrs. Jewel Killough led the study and directed the groups’ attention to realize the difficulty that Southern Baptist Missionaries have in ministering the gospel to a nation that is primarily practicing the Muslim faith.
The study emphasized the difference in our Christian faith as Baptists and the Muslim religion.
Two WMU members visited the group acting as missionaries to help the group understand the work being done in Africa.
After the program the group enjoyed a tasting party of typical African foods that included a chicken and rice dish, almonds, dates and hot tea. Reverend Donnie Burns serves as pastor of First Baptist Church of Luverne.
First Baptist Church, Luverne collected a room full of supplies for the Crenshaw County Domestic Violence Task Force. Many of those served by the Domestic Violence Task force leave their homes with just the clothes on their back.
The project started out as a WMU project, but with an announcement by Betty Speed, WMU Mission in Action Chairperson, was opened to the entire church body.
Members, young and old, brought numerous toiletry items, clothes, books etc. to fill an entire Sunday school room.
Members were very generous to bring any item that could be used by the mostly mothers and children. Bro. Donnie Burns, pastor, transported the items to a storage shelter in Luverne where they are being picked up by the staff of the Family Sunshine Center in Montgomery to be used as needed by residents of Crenshaw County who seek help from the Domestic Violence Task Force.
Gayle White, WMU Director at First Baptist Church thanked the congregation and WMU ladies for their tremendous gifts from the heart to help Crenshaw County women and families.