‘The Big Read’ kicks off Tuesday
Published 5:01 pm Thursday, February 4, 2010
Crenshaw County will be doing its part in Alabama’s The Big Read next week when several community leaders will help kick off the event on the courthouse steps.
Luverne mayor Joe Rex Sport and Brantley mayor Bernie Sullivan will be on hand to read the first page of Mark Twain’s “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.”
“Representative Charles Newton will also be participating, and we’ve invited the school board, the city councils, school principals and lots of others,” said Library Director Kathryn Tomlin.
“We’re really excited about the kickoff, and we hope to have a good crowd,” she added.
Other events planned throughout the month include a “Tom Sawyer” pajama party, a book discussion by local authors, and a Mark Twain impersonator at a catered dinner.
Tuesday’s event is scheduled for 10 a.m. on the steps of the Crenshaw County Courthouse.