Oct. 15 – Oct. 20
Published 4:04 pm Friday, October 23, 2009
Oct. 15
Connie B. Casey to Connie B. Casey and Larry Weldon, the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of southwest quarter, north half of southwest quarter, all that part of the south half of the northwest quarter lying south of Butler County road 26 (Providence-Mount Pisgah Road), all in section 26, township nine, range 12. Deed tax paid on $161,500.
Oct. 16
The Secretary of Veterans Affairs to Linda Peagler McCal, beginning at the northeast corner of lot six of block 15, according to the survey of W.P. DeJarnette of the City of Greenville. No deed tax paid.
Oct. 19
Butler County Bank to Michael Herbert, lot No. 20 of the subdivision of Block No. 98 according to the survey of W.P. DeJarnette of the City of Greenville. No deed tax paid.
Jesse Carter to Walter Stone Jr. and Zula Stone, lot 7A of the resubdivision of Lots 7 and 8 of Block Number 6 of the Tindal Subdivision. Deed tax paid on $80,000.
Willie Jewel Hemby to Walter Stone Jr. and Zula Stone, lot 1 of Block F of the Lee Long Heights Subdivision. Deed tax paid on $40,000.
Christopher Lyn Sells and Joyce P. Sells to Brian Holley and Philip D. Holley, the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter less 25 acres off the north side, being 15 acres, more or less; and northeast quarter of northeast quarter of southwest quarter, being 10 acres more or less, all in section eight, township nine, range 12. Deed tax paid on $9,000.
Oct. 20
Barrett Tyne Heartsill and Robert Moses Heartsill, all that part of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section five, township 11, range 16. No deed tax paid.
Jason Shane Heartsill to Robert Moses Heartsill, all that part of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section five, township 11, range 16. No deed tax paid.