Sept. 25 – Oct. 1
Published 6:25 pm Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Sept. 25
James E. Miller and Linda B. Miller to Tracie P. Bloodsworth, beginning at a point where the south line of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section 11, township 9, range 14, crosses the east right-of-way line of the Graham Mill Road. Deed tax paid on $1,000.
Joseph Matthew Parker, Kelee B. Parker and James Arrow Thompson to Joseph Matthew Paker and Kelee B. Parker, commencing at an iron set in concrete at a fence corner at the northwest corner of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter, section 19, township 10 north, range 14 east. Deed tax paid on $21,000.
Sept. 28
Mack Smith to Siegmund L. Odom Sr. and Thelma F. Odom, beginning on the west side of Pine Street at the southeast corner of lot no. six of Block 51, according to the survey of G.K. Armes of the City of Greenville.
Ed Cartwright and Elizabeth Cartwright to Ed Cartwright and Elizabeth Cartwright, beginning on the west side of an alley at an iron pin 150 feet south from Rose Street in Georgiana. Deed tax paid on $500.
Sept. 29
Betty Crenshaw to David A. Crenshaw, Darnesha C. Ellerbe and Demetra C. Wallace, lots number 20 and 21 of the Lomax-Hannon Subdivision of the City of Greenville. Deed tax paid on $7,000.
Annie L. Hawthorne and Willie C. Hawthorne to James C. Hawthorne, beginning at an iron pin on the northwest corner of the herein described lot, which pin is 457 feet south and 299.5 feet east of the northwest corner of the south half of southeast quarter of southwest quarter of section 23, township eight, range 13. Deed tax paid on $70,000.
Sept. 30
Marion Newsome and Roy E. Newsome to Lavell Houston, beginning at the northwest corner of section three, township eight, range 12. Deed tax paid on $25,000.
Oct. 1
Charlie Mason Jr. and Mary E. Mason to James W. Thagard Jr., beginning at the southwest corner of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 15, township 11 north, range 14 east. Deed tax paid on $2,500.
James W. Thagard Jr. to Charlie Mason Jr., commencing at the southwest corner of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 15, township 11 north, range 14 east.
John Dale Williamson to Damon L. Daniels and Donald L. Daniels, a tract of land containing 97 acres, more or less, located in the west half of section 1, township 10 north, range 12 east. Deed tax paid on $20,000.
Jean S. Dean, Ronnie L. Dean, Mary Ernestine McLellan and Linda S. Salter to Louis Spann, commencing at a spike in the pavement of Butler County Road No. 45, known as the northwest corner of section 30, township 8 north, range 15 east. Deed tax paid on $21,000.
Don S. Stinson and Mildred D. Stinson to Jessica S. Wright, the south half of the north half of the north half, less and except five acres formerly owned by Marshall Stinson (now occupied by Sharon Marie Stinson Miller and Virginia Kay Stinson Krauskoff), of Section 2, township eight, range 12. Deed tax paid on $196,000.
Don Stanley Stinson to Jessica Wright, two acres of land described as follows: beginning at the northwest corner of where U.S. Highway 31 (now known as Alabama Highway 185) crosses the land formerly owned by Nora Blackmon, and running thence east two acres, then south one acre, thence west two acres, thence north one acre to the point of beginning, lying and being in the north half of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 11, township seven, range 13. Deed tax paid on $13,000.
Donald W. Boutwell and Lorraine Boutwell to Donald W. Boutwell and Lorraine Boutwell, beginning at a point on the southwest right of way line paved County Road 43, where the north line of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section 15, township 10 north, range 15 east. Deed tax paid on $500.