July 23 – July 30
Published 3:45 pm Thursday, September 10, 2009
July 23
Greg Hamilton Griffin to Linda W. Wright and Nathan E. Wright, commencing from an iron pin located at the southwest corner of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section 25, township 7 north, range 13 east. Deed tax paid on $22,500.
July 24
Johnny Ray Reno to Johnny Ray Reno and Lee Phillips Reno, beginning at a concrete marker at the northwest corner of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 25, township eight north, range 13 east for $111,750.
Dale Williamson to Betty Mosley and CD Mosley, a tract of land containing 80 acres, more or less, located in the southwest quarter of section one, township 10 north, range 12 east. Deed tax paid on $136,000.
July 27
Reba M. Owen Miller to Pamela S. Till and Thomas A. Till, beginning at a right of way marker on the East line of U.S. Highway 31, which marker is 616 feet south and 31.3 feet east of the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section two, township nine north, range 14 east. Deed tax paid on $10,000.
July 28
Estelle G. Longmire to Julia Keath Longmire and Venus Deloyse Longmire, lot number two of block 42 according to the survey of the city of Greenville. Deed tax paid on $37,500.
Estelle G. Longmire to Julia Keath Golson Longmire and Venus Deloyse Longmire, the north 429 feet of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter, section nine, the west eighth of the south half of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter, section 10, all in township seven north, range 12 east, nine acres, more or less. Deed tax paid on $20,000.
Charlie Johnson Jr. and Laura M. Johnson, lot number three according to the Austin Subdivision of Georgiana. Deed tax paid on $2,500.
Laura M. Johnson to Charlie Johnson Jr., lot number four according to the Austin Subdivision of Georgiana. Deed tax paid on $2,500.
Jerry R. Burt to Cathy J. Johnson, lots 5 and 6 of Block “J” of Lee Long Heights, a subdivision of Greenville. Deed tax paid on $73,000.
July 29
Jason Pope to Jason Pope and Lindsey L. Pope, commencing at an existing fence corner at the locally accepted southwest corner of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, section six for $107,855.
July 30
Claude G. Murrell to Alice C. Antone and Jerome Antone, lots number one, two, three, four, five, six and seven, according to the plat of boundary survey of the Murrell Subdivision Lots 1-7 of the City of Georgiana. Deed tax paid on $35,000.