McKenzie to investigate safety signage in town
Published 2:54 pm Thursday, July 16, 2009
With children enjoying summer days and school fast approaching, the McKenzie Town Council has safety on their minds. At this month’s town council meeting, the group voted to check into the costs of some new “Kids at Play” and “Slow School Zone” signs to post in critical areas in the town.
Pot holes in much-traveled streets were also a focus at the meeting, with plans for workers to start patching asphalt and cutting back limbs before the big yellow busses begin rolling in early August.
The council also approved looking into possible grants that could be obtained to upgrade McKenzie’s septic system.
Additionally, the council approved plans to allow the McKenzie Tiger mascot to pose for photos at the police department, fire department and other places around the town. The photos will be used for the cover of the football program.
The council tabled a discussion on determining a fee for use of the community center until next month.
The Water Works Board approved allowing a pump which currently indicates gallons pumped, but is not registering per minute usage, to continue to operate during this high-demand period. The pump will be taken offline when water demand goes down.
The McKenzie Town Council will resume its regular schedule next month, meeting on the first Monday of the month at 7 p.m. at Town Hall (located inside BankTrust Building).