Land Transactions, June 5 – June 11
Published 3:38 pm Thursday, June 25, 2009
June 5
William H. Beverly Sr. to Patricia K. Beverly and Tony L. Beverly, the south half of the west half of the northeast quarter of northeast quarter, section 36, township eight, range 12. Deed tax paid on $12,500.
Johnny L. Carpenter to Clyde Shelton Reid and Linda Reid, commencing at an iron found at the accepted northeast corner of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter, section 2. Deed tax paid on $13,000.
Christopher L. Sells and Joyce P. Sells to C. Shane Thomas and Lajoy S. Thomas, the south half of the south half of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 28. Deed tax paid on $45,000.
June 8
Jennifer Middleton Coon and William Larry Coon to Jennifer Middleton Coon as trustee and the Jennifer Middleton Coon Revocable Living Trust, lot number three of Block “D” of the Woodland Heights Subdivision. Deed tax paid on $220,000.
June 9
Red Mountain TimberCo LLC to Jimmy H. Wyrosdick, starting at the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of northeast quarter of section 36, township eight north, range 13 east. Deed tax paid on $500.
June 11
James E. Gomillion to the James E. Gomillion Trust, the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, all that part of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter lying west of the A&F Railroad right-of-way less and except four acres on the southeast side. Deed tax paid on $87,500.