Land Transactions, March 12-April 2
Published 11:28 am Monday, April 6, 2009
March 12
Castor Ridge Holdings to Erica Lynn Wright, beginning at the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section three, township 10, range 12 for $10.
Gerald Wayne Kervin to Darrell Sanders, commencing at an iron pin at the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter, section 30, township eight north, range 14 east for $10.
March 13
Richard L. Whitsitt, as personal representative of the estate of Linda D. Leonard, to Delane Ball and Robert R. Decker, the north half of northeast quarter of section 10, township 10 north, range 14 east for $10.
March 16
Andrew C. Skipper and Beverly R. Skipper to Jacqueline J. Skipper and Lavaughn S. Skipper Sr., the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 35, township seven north, range 12 east for $10.
Jacqueline J. Skipper and Lavaughn S. Skipper Sr. to Andrew C. Skipper and Beverly R. Skipper, the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section 19, township seven, range 13 for $10.
Ken D. Chesser to Jerry F. Parker, the north half of the northeast quarter and the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section 28, township seven, range 13 for $100.
Jerry F. Parker to Dwight Vickery, Elaine P. Vickery and Russell B. Vickery, any and all rights or easements for ingress or egress across the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section 28, township seven, range 13 east for $1.
March 17
The Butler County Board of Education to the State of Alabama, an easement for a part of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section 26, townships eight north, range 13 east for $1.
Katherine Brandy Lee to Douglas M. Lee, commencing 150 feet east of the southeast corner formed by the intersection of Jane Street and Pettus Street.
March 18
John Thomas Stinson to Troy Curtis Stinson, beginning at the northeast corner of northwest quarter of northwest quarter of section 32, township 10, range 13 for $10.
March 19
Charles Edward Wright Jr. to Jesse Michael Smith, beginning at an iron pin at the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section 23, township eight north, range 13 east for $10.
Richard A. Miller and Kimberly Roper to Pam M. Sexton, beginning at the southeast corner of section 31, township 10 north, range 15 east for $10.
March 20
W. J. Williamson to Boyd Foster, lot 7 of the Forrest Villa Subdivision of the City of Georgiana for $10.
Betty D. Morrison to Marcus Allen Morrison and Michael Edward Morrison, lot number nine of the Bryan Subdivision of the Boswell property as surveyed and platted by E. Talbert, C.E. for $10.
March 23
Casey Renee Hester, Doneal O. Hester, and Hillary Clinton Hester to Elsie Mae Hester Newton, all that part of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter, section 36, township seven, range 13 for $10.
Crystle Elizabeth Hester, Leslie Rochelle Hester and Royce Densil Hester to Elsie Mae Hester Newton, the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section 36, township eight, range 13 for $10.
Billy Joe Leonard Jr. to Jerry W. McCullough, beginning at an iron in place at the northeast corner of the property now owned by Robert Bradley in the southeast quarter of section 20, township 10 north, range 14 east for $10.
Jerry W. McCullough to Billy Joe Leonard Sr, beginning at a point on the north right of way line of a public road in the southwest quarter of section 20, township 10, range 14 for $10.
March 24
Shirley C. Green to W. Ray Odom, commencing at an existing 4″ round concrete marker, being the northeast corner of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 25, township eight north, range 14 east for $10.
Lillian Sue Skipper to Dorothy June Kervin, commencing at an iron in place at the intersection of the south line of the northeast quarter, section 36, township eight north, range 14 east for $100.
Lilliam Sue Skipper to Gerald Wayne Kervin, commencing at an iron in place at the intersection of the south line of the northeast quarter, section 36, township eight north, range 14 east for $100.
Allen W. Stephenson, Clerk of the Circuit Court in said County and State, to Gloris Crenshaw, parcel 1 according to the survey by Boyd Foster for Annie Perkins.
Allen W. Stephenson, Clerk of the Circuit Court in said County and State, to Betty Jones, parcel 3 according to the survey by Boyd Foster for Annie Perkins.
Allen W. Stephenson, Clerk of the Circuit Court in said County and State, to Ann L. Perkins, parcel four, according to the survey by Boyd Foster for Annie Perkins.
Allen W. Stephenson, Clerk of the Circuit Court in said County and State, to James R. Crenshaw, parcel five according to the survey by Boyd Foster for Annie Perkins.
Allen W. Stephenson, Clerk of the Circuit Court in said County and State to Barbara A. Freeman, parcel six according to the survey by Boyd Foster for Annie Perkins.
March 27
Franklin A. Hickman, attorney, to Richard A. Miller for a scrivener’s affidavit.
Virginia K. Reaves to Jason Lamar Reaves, beginning at the north line of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section nine, township 10, range 15.
Emmett Crum to Marvin Crum, one acre in the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of section 13, township 10, range 13.
Claude Barnes to Katie B. Frye, beginning on the north side of an alley, now called Reid Street, at a point 137 feet west of the southeast corner of Lot No. 5 of block No. 60, according to the survey of W.P. DeJarnette of the City of Greenville for $1.
Isaac A. Ward and Jessica A. Ward to Oliver Dewayne Williams, lots No. 1 and 2 in Block One, according to the Allmon Subdivision located in Georgiana for $10.
March 30
Wells Fargo Bank to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Lots 1 and 2, Block A, Fort Dale subdivision for $1.
Kenneth Lloyd Burkhalter Sr. to Ellen Shea Burkhalter and Kenneth Lloyd Burkhalter Jr., beginning at the southeast corner of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section 33, township 11 north, range 14 east for $10.
Phillip E. Murphy to Mike Lowery, lot No. 4, Block A of Fort Dale Subdivision for $10.
March 31
Noah H. Flowers Jr. to Angeline Flowers Corley, commencing at an iron pin in place marking the intersection of the west right-of-way line of Butler County Road No. 69 and the south line of the north half of south half of southeast quarter of northeast quarter, section 23, township nine north, range 15 east for $10.
April 2
Diane Cartwright and Ed Cartwright to Brandi Scruggs and David B. Scruggs, beginning at an iron pin on the north right of way line of Rose Street, said pin being at the southeast quarter of the lot formerly owned by Savannah Griffin for $10.