Candidate responds to letter by councilmember
Published 12:44 am Saturday, September 13, 2008
Candidate responds to letter by councilmember
Dear editor,
I am very concerned about Councilmember Jean Thompson’s article to the editor in the Wednesday, Aug. 27 edition of The Greenville Advocate.
I would like to state that I – as a candidate for office for District 1 council – conducted myself in every way in a professional and Christian-like manner. I don’t know to whom Councilmember Thompson is referring to, but if it is directed towards me, then I think an apology by Councilmember Thompson would be appropriate.
I didn’t remove nor did I have anyone else remove or replace any candidate’s campaign signs. In fact, several of my signs were removed.
It probably would be a wise suggestion that all the candidates first get permission from the landowners before you place political signs on their property. Or the landowners might remove them personally!
As far as being negative and unprofessional, Councilmember Thompson’s absence at the Camellia City Merchants Association candidate forum on Thursday, Aug. 21 at Beeland Park was certainly disrespectful to all concerned. (Editor’s Note: Councilmember Thompson sent a letter explaining her absence from the forum.)
This is certainly not building goodwill and better friendships.
Also, my desire is to do what is best for our Camellia City.
Thank you,
Jerry Myers
Voters were interested in learning about candidates
Dear editor,
I read with interest your editorial in the Wednesday, August 27, 2008 edition of The Greenville Advocate. While I certainly cannot disagree with your message of getting to know the candidates and exercising our right to vote, I have a problem with your after the fact timing.
On Thursday, August 21, 2008, over 100 interested citizens of Greenville went to Beeland Park to hear the candidates answer questions that had been presented to them two days prior to the forum. Of the four incumbents seeking re-election, only one, incumbent Tommy Ryan from District 3 came. Two sent letters with explanations of why they were not attending. All of the candidates seeking election for the first time came.
It wasn’t the citizens who were disinterested, it was the incumbents. If you hold a public office and want to remain in that position, it is your duty to be present for public forums. To not participate is a slap in the face to the caring citizens of Greenville who came and wanted to hear all of the candidates.
The interested citizens who attended and the ones who were unable to attend, were looking forward to the article in The Greenville Advocate by your reporter who attended. But, alas, the article, like the incumbents didn’t appear.
There seems to be a conflict in your editorial of getting to know the candidates and publishing a report of much interest to the citizens of Greenville.
Ellen Glasscock