Chamber News & Notes
Published 4:28 pm Friday, September 5, 2008
– A representative from the Small Business Development Center at Troy University will visit the Chamber of Commerce Thursday, Sept. 25 to provide free counseling from 9:30 a.m. until noon. Call 334-382-3251 to set up an appointment.
– L.V. Stabler Memorial Hospital welcomes its newest member of the medical staff, Dr. Cecelia Hermann, Internal Medicine. Dr. Hermann is located at Southern Family Practice, 44 Medical Arts Court. She is now accepting new patients. Call 334-382-0885 for an appointment.
– Ron Sparks will be guest speaker at Farm/City Week hosted by the Greenville Kiwanis Club Nov. 18. If you would like to attend, please contact Richard Branum at 371-2000.
– The Edge Tuesday Movie Cards are on sale now and can be purchased through the Greenville High School Band Boosters. A Monday Movie Card is available at the theater box office.
– Fort Dale Academy is also selling cards to raise funds for its athletic facility funds. Contact Hope Gibson at 391-4192 or 382-5500 or more info.
– Comfort Care Hospice is looking for volunteers. Patients and their families depend on hospice volunteers and volunteer benefit from the satisfaction of helping others. If interested, contact Joann Matthews, volunteer coordinator at the Comfort Care office at 501 East Commerce St., Greenville, 334-383-9688 or 866-383-9688. Office hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
– The Butler County Humane Society is having a big public auction on Saturday morning, October 18 at the fairgrounds. All proceeds will go to the Second Chance “no-kill” shelter. Food provided by Tom and Mary Lou Crenshaw. Contact BCHS president Herbert Morton at 382-9512 for more info.
– The Greenville High School “Old Gym Players” will have their first production December 5-7. Look for more info in the upcoming newsletter or call 334-382-2608.
– The Greenville Art League will host a Christmas Art Show on Nov. 22, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Nov. 23, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at Beeland Park, featuring local artists, including both long-standing favorites and professionals who are new on the art scene in the Camellia City.
– The Chamber is already preparing for the holiday season and the annual Christmas parade is slated for Thursday, Dec. 4. Anyone with ideas for a theme or who would like to volunteer, please call 382-3251.
Chambers News & Notes appears courtesy of the Greenville Area Chamber of Commerce. For information about the Chamber, please call 334.382.3251.