Sheriff#039;s department hauls in #036;219K of marijuana
Published 12:00 am Saturday, June 3, 2006
The first flyover of the year for the Butler County Sheriff's office resulted in a big haul of marijuana on Friday afternoon.
Butler County sheriff's deputies seized 2,000 marijuana plants in an unspecified location within the county, according to Butler County Sheriff Diane Harris. Harris said the plants had a potential street value of $219,000.
Harris said the case is still under investigation and could not reveal where the plants were found at this time.
Chief Deputy Kenneth Hadley, Jailer Al McKee, and Deputy Tyson Bennett helped the sheriff remove the long, budding plants from the back of her pick-up truck and burn them in a vacant lot on Airport Rd.
The county wide flyover was a partnership with the Alabama Bureau of Investigation's efforts to eradicate drugs in the rural areas of the state, said Hadley.
“With the technology they (the ABI) have in their helicopter it's not hard at all to spot marijuana from the sky,” said Hadley.