-Sept. 30-
Published 12:00 am Thursday, September 29, 2005
n Birthday celebration
The Greenville-Butler County Library will be apart of the celebration of Raggedy Ann's 90th birthday at 4 p.m. Sept. 30. Children of all ages are invited to attend. Call 382-3216.
-Oct. 1-
n REMAC Quarterly Meeting
The next Quarterly Meeting for REMAC is scheduled for 10 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 1 at the Beeland Park Community Center in Greenville.
Several important items are on the agenda for this meeting including updates on the proposed settlement of the Pioneer Electric lawsuit and reports from REMAC's Advisory Members to the Pioneer Board.
All REMAC members as well as non-REMAC Pioneer Electric members are encouraged to be present for this important meeting.
n Homemakers Yard&Bake Sale
The Searcy Homemakers Club will have a yard and bake sale beginning at 8 a.m. Oct. 1 at the Old Searcy Schoolhouse located 5 miles down Airport Road from the Greenville by-pass. The yard and bake sale will be held until noon. Proceeds from the sale will go toward repairing the schoolhouse. Call 382-1282.
n Free Childcare Workshop
Lurleen B. Wallace Community College in Greenville and Alabama Public Television are registering adults for a childcare workshop that deals with nutrition, exercise and children. You must preregister for the class by Oct. 1. The class will be held from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Oct. 6 at the Greenville campus of LBW. The class is free. Call Linda Adams at 383-6705 or Elizabeth Page at 881-2309.
n Fish Fry
The Forest Home Volunteer Fire Department will have a fish fry, bake sale and yard sale beginning at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 1. Fish plates will be ready at 11 a.m. Plates are $5 each. Everyone is invited to attend.
-Oct. 2-
n Homecoming and Revival
Shiloh Baptist Church will hold homecoming services Sunday Oct. 2, 2005
with Pastor
Stacy Gaston bringing the morning message. Lunch will be served in the fellowship hall after morning service. Revival Services will begin Monday Oct. 3 thru Wednesday Oct. 5 beginning at 7 p.m. with Pastor Stacy Gaston.
n Homecoming
Pine Flat Methodist Church-Pine Flat Cemetery Association will celebrate homecoming-memorial day at 11 a.m. on Sunday, Oct. 2.
Guest speaker will be Rev. Cletice Ingram. Dinner on the ground will follow the worship service. Please come worship and fellowship and bring a basket lunch, folding chairs and folding tables.
n Homecoming
Oak Grove Methodist Church of Greenville will hold its annual homecoming Oct. 2. Services will begin at 11 a.m. with the Rev. B.L. Butler as the speaker. Dinner will be served on the gounds following the morning service. The public is invited to attend.
-Oct. 3-
n Commission Meeting
The Butler County Commission will have a special called meeting at 9 a.m. Oct. 3 to discuss construction of the new jail. The meeting will take place in the commission chambers and the public is encouraged to attend.
n Special Guest
Visiting minister and author, Greg Violi, of Salem, Ohio, will be at Call to Life Church on Glendale Avenue in Greenville. He give talks at 7 p.m. Oct. 3-5. All are welcome to attend.
n Art Explorer
Lurleen B. Wallace Community College's Greenville campus will offer an art explorer course, which is an after school art class, to children in grades 2-5 from 3:30-5 p.m. beginning Oct. 3. The classes will meet Oct. 3, 17 and 24. The cost of the course is $75 per student. Call (334) 383-6705 to register.
-Oct. 7-
n McKenzie School Reunion
The McKenzie School Class of 1995 will have its 10-year reunion at 5:30 p.m. in the school's cafeteria. All former classmates and teachers are encouraged and invited to attend.
-Oct. 8-
n Central School Reunion
There will be a Central School Reunion on Saturday, Oct. 8, 2005 from 2 p.m. until on the grounds of the Old Central School.
We ask that you bring finger foods and your lawn chairs.
For contact information, call Kathy Hickman Atchison at 382-1458, Kay Mullins Snead at 382-7073, Betty Knight Ray at 382-8203, Gerry Thompson Turner at 382-8989.
n Class Meeting
Member of the Greenville High School Class of 1973 will meet on Oct. 8 at 1 pm. at the Pizza Hut. For additional details please call Gloria Moorer Johnson at 382-6967 or Lillian Gardner at 382-2898.
-Oct. 9-
n Reunion
The W.S. Godwin reunion will be held Oct. 9 at Moore Academy Gym in Pine Apple. Family members are encouraged to attend and bring a big basket of good food.
-Oct. 10-
n Master Cattleman
For those that may be interested, here is a chance for you to learn more about the beef cattle business.
Monroe County Extension Office will host this program conducted by regional Extension agent, Anthony Wiggins.
Beginning Oct. 10, 2005, the class will continue on Monday nights and cover topics including management, forage systems, carcass quality, marketing, reproduction, genetics, nutrition, health and handling, and BQA certification.
For more information, contact the Monroe County Extension Office at 251-575-3477.
-Oct. 17-
n Parents Day
Greenville Middle School invites all parents to its annual parents day to meet with teachers. A special workshop will be given from 10:15-11 a.m. Door prizes will be given, and refreshments will be served.
Calendar items are published free as a service to our community. Fax to 382-7104 or email to editor@greenvilleadvocate.com. or mail to P.O. Box 507, Greenville, AL 36037.
Items should be submitted at least two weeks prior to the event and no later than noon on Thursday prior to a Saturday publication or Friday at noon for a Wednesday publication.
The Advocate reserves the right to edit or content or for space.
No Butler Bulletin will be taken via telephone.