Access road gets approval

Published 12:00 am Thursday, September 29, 2005

The passage of a resolution awarding the construction bid of Phase II of the HYSCO Industrial Access Road was a major topic of new business at the Greenville City Council meeting on Monday, Sept. 26.

Apac/Southeastern, Inc. was given the nod for the project with their low bid coming in at $722,103.50. The cost is considerably more than initially anticipated for the project, Mayor Dexter McLendon said.

"When we first looked at doing Phase I and II, oil prices were a lot lower. Prices have gone up on everything since then," McLendon said.

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He stressed his belief the project should not be delayed.

"The south end of that access road is in horrible, horrible shape…it just wasn't built to last. We need to go ahead and get this approved. We will be looking at ways we can save some money," McLendon said.

Other new business included:

n Passage of a resolution adopting a revised employee range and step schedule incorporating a two percent cost of living effective Oct. 1, 2005.

n Passage of a resolution amending the personnel rules and regulations longevity scale effective Jan. 1, 2006.

n Passage of a resolution to eliminate the "in lieu of insurance" employee benefit effective Oct. 1, 2005.

n Authorization of the purchase of property on Cunningham Street from Eddie R. and Willie Nell Steele (in order to expand parking area for Day Park).

n Passage of a resolution authorizing an Alabama Power contract for electrical service for the airport runway lights account.

* Awarding of bid to Bob and Wayne's Auto Repair for the 2005-06 police department vehicle repair contract.

* Awarding of bid to Duke Shell at $45 per vehicle for the 2005-06 police department vehicle 5,000 mile service contract.

* Awarding of bid to Greenville Towing at $24.50 per tow for the 2005-06 police department vehicle towing contract.

* Passage of a resolution to authorize city clerk to continue operating under 2004-05 general fund budget pending adoption of new budget.

* Passage of a resolution for city to enter into a unit pad agreement with the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency for lease of 15 of the 41 campsite spots at Sherling Lake for future evacuee housing needs.

* Approval of expenditures were made for the following items:

$1,089.87 to for Microsoft XP software upgrades for clerk's office, mayor's office and personnel dept.; $1,491.24 for a total of 43 upholstered chairs for the Senior Nutrition Center to be paid for with a Title III allocation from South Central Alabama Development Corporation; $1, 419.38 to Ameri-Kart Corp for repair parts for in-service garbage carts; $3,000 to Tactical Explosive Entry School for high-risk warrant training (funded through Drug Forfeiture Account); $1,744.06 to Thompson Tractor Company to replace drive seal on Sanitation Dept. #43-A landfill front-end loader; $1,336 for a total of 18 annual fire department physicals and $2,400.80 for repair to brakes, PTO and axle for public works tractor #83.

In old business, a decision was made to deal with tree removal on a case-by-case basis rather than entering into a tree service contract.

The next regular city council meeting is set for Monday, Oct. 10 at 5:30 p.m.