Schools open across the county

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, August 17, 2005

The first day of school went according to plan said Crenshaw County Superintendent Kathi Wallace.

"It was wonderful," she said.

School opened in Highland Home, Luverne and Brantley last Friday.

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While some students and faculty were still dealing with school renovation efforts in Brantley and Highland Home, Wallace said work to several classrooms in both schools would be completed soon.

"All of the major work has been completed," she said. "It's really just a few minor items that need to be done. I know, for instance, that we were unable to get some students in Highland Home into their regular classrooms on Friday. But by Monday they were able to get into their classrooms."

Construction is still underway at the Luverne High School Gymnasium, but Wallace said it in no way hindered regular operations at Luverne. Additionally, when school let out on Friday, Wallace said a number of Luverne police officers were on duty to ensure traffic never became much of a problem.

In Highland Home, where new principal Joe Eiland began his first day, problems were also minimal.

"I was very nervous the night before school," said Eiland. "But I couldn't have been more pleased on Friday. Our first day was outstanding. The students behaved well and there wasn't one incident. Both the parents and students have been very supportive."

About the only circumstance that caused Eiland concern was when the school day ended amid an afternoon thunderstorm.

"The rain was horrible," he said. "I was concerned for the safety of our students, exiting the school on to (US) 331."