Post office #039;Stamps out hunger#039; today
Published 12:00 am Saturday, May 14, 2005
Butler County’s letter carriers won’t just be picking up mail when they come by your house this weekend — they’ll be picking up food as well for Stamp Out Hunger Day.
This is the 13th year letter carriers are &uot;stamping out hunger.&uot; This drive is the largest one-day food collection across the country and involves something everyone has at his or her home, a mailbox.
The Greenville Post Office is conducting their annual food drive and will be picking up non-perishable food items left in and beside mailboxes this Saturday.
All the food collected in Butler County is donated to a local food pantry and also to area churches that offer food banks.
All you have to do is leave non-perishable food items in or near your mailbox on Saturday. The carriers ask that you do not donate any glass-bottled items.
That means canned goods and other items can be donated.
Your letter carrier will pick it all up.
It’s that easy.
&uot;Just leave the food items at the box for your letter carrier to pick up,&uot; said Marshall Crumpton of the Greenville P.O. &uot;This involves our city routes and also the rural routes that come out of the Greenville office.&uot;
Those who don’t live in the city limits can also participate if they are serviced through the Greenville post office.
The donations go to the local food bank to be distributed to those in need, he added.
For more information, contact the Greenville Post Office at 382-3721. If you miss the postal employee, just drop your donation off at the post office on Commerce Street.