Lucy Baxley doesn’t rule out a run for governor#039;s office
Published 12:00 am Thursday, October 28, 2004
Lt. Governor Lucy Baxley was in town Monday as the guest speaker for the Greenville Lions Club.
Baxley, who was the special guest of Butler County Commission Chairman and Lion Jesse McWilliams has continued to gain popularity throughout her political career.
Her name continues to be high on the list of Democratic candidates to run for the state’s highest office in 2006.
McWilliams said he was overjoyed to be able to have her as the guest speaker.
&uot;The way it came about is I saw Mrs. Baxley at a Commissioners Convention in Mobile,&uot; said McWilliams. &uot;I later asked her if she would come and speak to the Lions Club and she agreed. I think I speak for everyone when I say we are thrilled to have her.&uot;
Baxley returned the gratitude to the audience saying it has been a pleasure to serve.
&uot;Thank you for letting me work for you,&uot; said Baxley.
&uot;I love my job and I am one of the most blessed people in the world.&uot;
Baxley said her current position was a far cry to her childhood.
She said she never would have dreamed of reaching such heights growing up on a Houston County farm.
&uot;For me growing up on a farm and never thinking I would grow up to run for public office it is a great honor to be able to serve you,&uot; said Baxley. &uot;I have truly enjoyed it.&uot;
Baxley said the most important characteristic to have in her position was a love for your occupation.
&uot;You have to like what you are doing,&uot; said Baxley.
&uot;If you don’t like what you are doing you don’t need to be there. I have loved every job I have ever had.&uot;
Baxley has come a long way since beginning her political career. She has come so far, as a matter of fact, that some people have even talked about a run at the Governors mansion.
Baxley said she would discuss that further when the time came.
Baxley’s early professional years were spent in city, county and state government. Then, after a number of years spent in the private sector as a realtor in Birmingham, she was elected State Treasurer in 1994. She continues to have popular statewide appeal with the citizens of Alabama. When she was re-elected for a second term as Treasurer in 1998, she received the highest number of votes cast for any candidate for constitutional office. In the election for Lieutenant Governor in 2002, she received a higher number of votes than either candidate for Governor.
She was asked if she is planning on running for governor in 2006.
She responded that next spring, it might be something to explore.
She was asked if she had created an exploratory committee about her run for governor and she said &uot;No.&uot;
Baxley remains a licensed realtor; however the duties of Lieutenant Governor require her full time service.
By virtue of her office, Governor Baxley is President and Presiding Officer of the Alabama Senate. She also sits on 35 state boards and commissions, some of which are: the Legislative Council, the Alabama Criminal Justice Advisory Commission, the Alabama Historical Commission, the Judicial System Study Commission, the Alabama Film Commission, the Corrections Institutions Finance Authority, the Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation Board of Trustees, and the Water Pollution Control Authority.
She was asked if she supported same sex marriages and she said with much conviction that she did not.
This has been a hot topic issue in the presidential campaign.
Baxley is married to Jim Smith, also a native of south Alabama. She has two children, Becky Nichols and Louis Baxley, and two grandchildren. Lucy and Jim are members of Frazer Memorial United Methodist Church in Montgomery.