The fourth weekend in October
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, October 20, 2004
What should I write about today?
I'll take Bad Omens for $500 Alex.
OK, I'm not sure that there's a handbook that directly gives rules to having a bad season. But, for the Greenville Tigers things can't get any worse.
Wait, I just looked at the weather radar.
Rain on homecoming.
Wow, it's not bad enough that your squad is going into probably the only game all season that can win.
But the Tigers can't get a break. The field is finally evened for them by playing Russell County on homecoming. Nope, wait, the deck's got to be stacked some more.
It's supposed to rain this weekend.
Now, this is the first negative thing I've said about the Tigers. Now, on the positive note.
Greenville will win homecoming.
Mark it.
I said it.
You talk about a team being due for a win, that's Greenville.
I believe they can win, Coach Briggs believes his boys can win. Now the only thing stopping them from lighting up the scoreboard against Russell County will be the Tigers themselves. Friday's game will also be an opportunity for the community to show that they have not given up on their Tigers either. With it being homecoming, all Greenville Tiger fans are asked to wear black and gold to the game and show their support for the Tigers.
I'll take SEC Potpourri for $500 Alex.
"Rocky Top you'll always be home sweet home to me. Good Ole Rocky Top. HEY! Rocky Top Tennessee…"
What? You think I'm not going to talk about my Vols in the biggest game of the season for them? This is Crimson Tide week and it's time for the Vols to step up and show what they are worth.
And as happy as I am that the Vols will defeat the Tide I am awestruck too.
I am awestruck by one man. Well, when I say awestruck it's not the kind of awe like you want to grow up and be like him. It's the kind of awe where you just sit there with your mouth open because you really don't know what to say.
The man I am referring to is of course Tommy Gallion.
Now, am I the only person in the state of Alabama that thinks this guy needs a hobby or a life?
I mean he is the sole reason that Phillip Fulmer and the boys in Orange didn't make an appearance at Media Days.
I can't say that I blame him.
Anyway, moving on to the other teams in this state. The Tigers will play Kentucky this weekend.
You know, if Auburn doesn't drop at least 48 on these guys I am going to be very disappointed.
Florida goes to Mississippi State.
If the Gators don't drop at least 70 on this poor excuse for a football team then I will be disappointed.
Now don't get me wrong. I can't stand the Gators and would love to see them lose, badly. But I am also a realist and realize that the only team that Mississippi State will beat is probably Saint Agnes's School for Wayward Girls.
Oh and don't let the name fool you. A game against the Wayward Girls wouldn't be a walk. The Dawgs would have to struggle.
It's that simple.
Griffin Pritchard is the Sports Editor of the Greenville Advocate. He can be reached by Email: or by phone at 382-3111.