Remembering the sacrifice, heroism on Sept. 11th
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Though America is three years removed from the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001 the memory has remained close in our minds.
Each year following the disaster at ground zero special measures are taken to ensure those who gave their lives are never forgotten.
The Fort Dale Academy four-year-old kindergarten has their special way of showing their appreciation. Each September following 9/11 students from Mrs. Joyce Davis and Ellinor Nelson's classes take special measures to let the policemen, firemen and others know just how much they appreciate them.
For the last three years the students have visited the fire and police departments around town to bring treats and cheer to remind these public servants they are in their thoughts.
"They did it last year and the year before last," said Greenville Fire Chief Mike Phillips. "We really enjoy it when they come."
Phillips said be believed it was very important for everyone, including the younger children to always remember the tragic day.
"I think it is very important that we keep it in mind," said Phillips. "None of us need to forget what happened that day."
Phillips said the visits from the children were always special to the fireman and policeman because it let them know they were appreciated. Phillips said the visits did wonders for the moral of both groups.
"They have always been especially nice to remember the fire department, policeman and other public servants," said Phillips. "We really do appreciate them coming over. It really means a lot to the guys to know that they haven't forgotten about them and they think about them this time of year."
When the children visit they never come empty handed. Every year they work to bake cakes and other items for the fireman and policeman to enjoy. In return they get the opportunity to spend time with true to life hometown heroes.
Rebecca Richardson, who helps out with the four-year-old kindergarten and Fort Dale, said the trips to the stations were all geared toward letting all public servants know their efforts were recognized.
"It's just a way to show appreciation," said Richardson. "They have been doing this for a couple of years now. They bake goods and really have a good time with it."
Richardson said they try to make sure no one is left out.
"All the children bake goods for both fire departments and the police department," said Richardson. "They always try to make sure they get to visit them all."
While Sept. 11 is a time for sadness and reflection the Fort Dale four-year-olds have found a positive way to remember the day and let their public servants know they appreciate them very much. They plan to continue the trend each year.