Native Americans to dance at Hunter#039;s Appreciation Day
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, September 14, 2004
What a way to start the season Bulldogs.
If you didn’t get a chance to go to the game Friday night then you just don’t know what a game you missed. I think we have an excellent team again this year. We play Goshen this Friday night at Goshen. I don’t see Goshen having a chance.
Good Luck Bulldogs!
Saturday Native Americans are going to dance at the Hunter’s Appreciation Day in Rutledge.
The gate opens at 10 am and it will be an all day affair.
The Family Drum will be the host drum. Randy Mitchell(White Eagle) will play the Native Flute. David Johnson will sing and of coarse Lamar Holland(Crowdancer) and his band of Indians will dance to the native drum.
There will be vendors set up and we will have a table we will be sharing with Dozier Freewill Baptist Church, Randy and David. Randy and David have CDs of their music and the church is going to sell sweets. The money will go to the church building fund.
Lamar will have his canes and medicine pouches for anyone interested. The Family Drum may bring some of their wares.
Please don’t forget this is the weekend for the Shriner’s peanut boil. My mouth just waters every time I think about those peanuts and the money goes to a good cause. I am sure if you would like to help they wouldn’t turn you away.
Volunteers are greatly appreciated. Please see Jon Folmar for more information.
Dozier Freewill Baptist Church is really trying to raise money for their building fund so Saturday Sept. 18
they are going to have a yard sale/bake sale/native american dancing.
The yard sale will start early, but the natives won’t dance until 10 am. This will be an all day affair. If you have something you would like to donate please call Debbie Pearce at 334-527-3197 or Jo Ann Byrd and they will be glad to make arrangements to pick the items up.
Bro. Rockey Pearce really wants to expand the church so he has went another step further and started a pie throwing contest.
October 10th is homecoming at the Dozier Freewill Baptist Church and Bro. Rockey, Sister Debbie Pearce, Susan Byrd, Buddy Byrd, Lamar Holland and Sandra Holland are collecting donations to see who can get the most money. The one with the most money gets the pie in the face.
Now come on folks. I know that there has to be someone in this group you would like to see get hit with a pie.
After church Sunday, Oct. 10 is when it will happen.
Any of us will be glad to except any donation, but just remember the one with the most money gets the pie in the face.
Dozier Freewill Baptist Church will host a singing on Sept. 25 starting at 6 p.m. with a supper and at 7 p.m. will be the Gospel Valley Boys.
Everyone is invited.
Juniors at Brantley School are selling magazines to be able to go to the prom this school year. If you are already subscribing to a magazine you can renew your subscription.
There are also CDs for sell. So if you like to read or listen to good music or listen to music while you read here is your chance to help a student out.
Speaking of music!
Did you see our band at the game?
Those band students never cease to amaze me. They are so talented.
The new addition of the trash can drums is just great. I loved the drum major uniform as well. It was very colorful.
The color guard has beautiful costumes also.
You Go Emerald Wave Marching Band.
The MaChis Lower Creek Tribe will handing out tribal cards on Sept. 11 and 12. On the 12th there will be a meeting from 2 p.m. until 4 p.m. Cards will be given out before and after the meeting.
Please contact Chief James Wright or Nancy Carnley for more information.
The Mowa Choctaw Pow Wow at Mount Vernon scheduled for the last weekend in September has been changed to Oct. 15-16.
Please continue to pray for everyone.
Until next time remember let your life be a light to someone and always say a prayer (A.S.A.P.)