Voting locations a key to elections
Published 12:00 am Friday, August 6, 2004
The City of Greenville is only three weeks away from municipal elections.
Tuesday Aug. 24 citizens of Greenville will go to the polls to elect representatives for the City Council for Districts 1, 2 and 3.
However, if you do not know what district you are in it may not be that simple.
Knowing what district you reside in makes all the difference in the world, according to Election Manager Linda Vandenbosch.
It affects whom you will vote for as well as where you vote.
A verbal description can be confusing. Fortunately, Greenville City Hall provides a color-coded map for a simpler explanation.
Here are the district lines for the elections to be decided on Aug. 24.
District 1
District 1 begins at the point where Pineapple Highway (Highway 10) intersects the west line of the city limits and runs east along the north side of Pineapple Highway to Administrative Drive.
From there it runs north along the west side of Administrative Drive to Oak Street and east along the north side of Oak Street to North Perry Street. It then runs east to the North side of Oak Street to South Perry Street and north along the west side of South Perry Street to Gamble Street. From here the boundary runs east along the north side of Gamble Street to North College Street and north along the west side of North College Street to Fort Dale Road. The district then continues northwesterly along the west side of Fort Dale Road to Claythorne Drive and west along the south side Claythorne Drive to Forest Court. Then north along the west side of Forest Court to Forest Drive where it continues east along the north side of Forest Drive to Fort Dale Road.Then north along the west side of Fort Dale Road to North Perry Street and east and south along the side of North Perry Street to Country Club Drive. From there it continues east and south along the north side of north Perry Street along the north side of Country Club Drive to Glendale Avenue and east and north along the north and west side of Glendale Avenue to the Greenville Bypass. The line continues from the Greenville Bypass west along its south side to Fort Dale Road and north along the west side of Fort Dale Road to the intersection with Braggs Road. It continues north along the west side of Braggs Road to the point where the same intersects the north line of city limits and west along the north city limit line to the point where the same intersects the west city limit line. From there it goes along the west city limit line to the point where the same intersects Pineapple Highway, the point of beginning.
Residents of this district would vote at the Butler County Board of Education office.
District 2
District 2 begins at the point where North Perry Street intersects Fort Dale Road and runs east and then south along the south side of North Perry Street to Country Club Drive. From there it goes east and then south along the south side of Country Club Drive and west and north along the south and east side of Glendale Avenue to the Greenville Bypass.
It continues southeasterly along the south side of the Greenville Bypass to the centerline of the CSX Railroad right of way and southwesterly along the centerline of the CSX Railroad to Fort Dale Street and southeasterly along the west side of Fort Dale Road to Cedar Street.
The line continues east along the south side of Cedar Street to North Conecuh Street and south along the west side of North Conecuh Street to the intersection thereof with East Commerce Street north of the Butler County Courthouse and around the west side of the Butler County Courthouse to South Conecuh Street.
The line then continues south along the west side of South Conecuh Street to East Parmer Street and west along the north side of east Parmer Street to Government Street to the intersection of Bolling Street. The line then continues southwesterly along the north side of Bolling Street to the intersection of South College Street and north along the east side of South College Street to West Commerce Street and west along the north side of West Commerce Street to Water Street.
It continues north along the east side of Water Street to Gamble Street and along the east side south side of Gamble Street to North College Street and north along the east side of North College Street to Fort Dale Road.
From there the line continues northwesterly along the east side of Claythorne Drive to Forest Court and east along the south side of Forest Drive to Fort Dale Road and north along the east side of Fort Dale Road to North Perry Street, the point of the beginning.
Residents of District 2 will vote at the City Hall Council Chamber.
District 3
District 3 begins where Braggs Road intersects the north city limit line and runs southeasterly along Braggs Road to the intersection of Fort Dale Road. It continues south along the east side of Fort Dale Road to the Greenville Bypass and east along the north side of the Greenville Bypass to the point where the same intersects the centerline of the CSX Railroad right of way. Then southwesterly along the centerline of the CSX Railroad right of way to Fort Dale Road and southeasterly along the north side of Fort Dale Street to Cedar Street.
From there the line moves east along the north side of Cedar Street to North Conecuh Street and south along the east side of North Conecuh Street to East Commerce Street. The line then runs east along the north side of East Commerce Street to Cunningham Street and south along the east side of Cunningham Street to the point where the same intersects the centerline of the bed of Tanyard Branch. It continues south along Tanyard Branch until it empties into Persimmon Creek and south along Persimmon Creek to the south city limit line and east along the south city limit line to the east city limit line. The line then runs north and east along the eastern city limit line to Lakeberry Road and north along the west side Lakeberry Road to its intersection with Norman Road. The line then continues east along the north side of Norman Road to Luverne Highway and west along Luverne
Highway and north along the east city limit line to Holyhill Road and west along the southside of Holyhill Road across U.S. Highway 31 and Persimmon Creek. The line then follows the north city limit line to Braggs Road, its point of beginning.
Voters in District 3 will cast their vote at the Butler County Health Department.
Trying to read the boundaries can be very confusing. &uot;Citizens are encouraged to come to City Hall and view the map in the lobby for an easier answer,&uot; Vandenbosch said.
She also asks people to take note of these important dates:
n Friday Aug. 1-last day to register to vote for the Aug. 24 election.
n Aug. 19-Last day to make an application for an absentee ballot.
n Aug. 23-Last day to post mark an absentee ballot or for a voter to deliver his or her ballot to the City Clerk’s office.
Polls will remain open from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. on Election Day.