Living by the community#039;s will
Published 12:00 am Monday, August 2, 2004
With the slate of candidates now set for the city election it's good to see that we have two councilmen and the mayor that will return for another term.
While not everyone may agree that these men deserve another term, we do and the fact that they remain unopposed in the upcoming election proves that the majority of the community feels that way too.
While we do not agree with everything this administration has done the past four years we don't think anyone can deny that this administration, through the decisions and hard work that went into crafting those decisions, made them because they felt they were doing the right thing for all the citizens of Greenville. Time will tell whether the investments they chose to make were wise, but we feel they were and will be.
We don't think that anyone can deny that the past four years, and certainly the past two, have been the most exciting in the recent history of this city with the announcement of new industry coming in to help shore up the industrial losses the city suffered in the 90's.
Add to that the reality that city revenues are up, and not just related to the one cent increase in sales tax this administration implemented last year. Just a drive around town shows that dirt is being moved in more than one area of the city which is an early sign of the growth to come, especially considering that we've reported visits by companies shopping Greenville to locate their facilities in continue at a pace not seen in the history of our city.
Nobody can deny that with any administration; city, county, state or national there will always be those who think they are not doing a good job at managing the peoples' affairs. To our knowledge no presidential administration has ever gotten an approval rating higher than 75 percent and we doubt that one ever will based on the reality that there is always an opportunity to do better in the eyes of the voting public.
Our hope is that, post election, once the full administration is finalized that the citizens of this community will get behind this group of people and support them in the decisions they make. While we don't advocate a rubber stamp approach from the citizenry or that citizens do not keep a watchful eye on government, we do advocate support of our elected officials in what they are seeking to do for all the citizens of our community.