Glenwood to get speed bumps
Published 12:00 am Monday, June 14, 2004
Those passing through Glenwood may soon have a bumpy ride when the County installs new speed bumps to control traffic through the small town.
The Town requested assistance from the County Commission at the Monday regular meeting in controlling speeding traffic.
Speed bumps were suggested and the Town agreed to reimburse the County for the cost. Commissioner Beasley made the motion to accept the agreement. With Commissioner Hudson's second, the Commission approved the agreement unanimously.
Tom Compton of the South Crenshaw Water Authority approached the Commission with a proposal for help on the Patsburg Bridge Project. The Authority asked the Commission to pay half of the unanticipated cost of relocating pipes, an amount totally $9,375.
County EMA Director Anita West appeared before the Commission to discuss Homeland Security. She stated that a final plan would be ready in the next few weeks. West also noted that a portable building was needed for the Pleasant Home voting house. Commissioner McElwain and Commissioner Beasley agreed to check into the price of one.
John Hollis, Solid Waste officer, said that since the time is approaching to submit bids for garbage, he has been preparing for it. Hollis has set up a meeting with the Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) to learn more about the plan needed on the landfill.
Chairman Ronnie Blackmon said that since there has been an elevated level on some of the tests run at the landfill, a more extensive testing procedure would need to be done. Blackmon suggested that Auburn Environmental has proven to be more economical in the past, and the Commission felt that it would be best to stay with them for this type of work.
Engineer Benji Sanders came forward, and presented a letter from Auburn Environmental concerning the landfill monitoring. He said the statistical analysis and update would have an estimated cost of $5,800. He also said that $2,000 of that would be due upon acceptance.
Sanders said he had an agreement with DOT on the DongWon project at Garnersville Road. He said there are some charges to be made and would like this agreement held and not executed.