Greenville#039;s new honor, good job
Published 12:00 am Saturday, June 12, 2004
Many of us not directly involved in economic development probably don't know how the process really works-or even that there is a process.
Since Hyundai announced in 2002 that they were coming to Hope Hull and bringing a wealth of suppliers with them, we have heard the term, economic development, thrown about quite often.
Historically, we are watching a great shift in the types of industries that Alabama has been known for and we are watching our state becomes a new automotive mecca.
Media coverage of the Hyundai deal in Montgomery County focused attention on economic development in the state and many Alabamians have been able to see how it works.
There was plenty of flash over Hyundai’s coming. The governor and key legislators were involved, and special sessions of the Legislature were held to approve incentive packages to woo Hyundai away from neighboring states.
With thousands of jobs at stake, a whirlwind of activity and interest is kicked up. But what about the other economic development projects coming together in communities all over the state?
Southern Business and Development magazine recognized the efforts of local officials for their role in bringing new industry to Butler County by giving us the best "Small Market of the Year" title.
Of course, we tied with Ennis, Texas, but that's not the point.
For too long, we have not praised the work of our key leaders or the work of Ricky McLaney, Butler County Economic Development director.
However, they deserve praising.
Think about this, not so long ago, industries in our city were closing up and moving away.
Now, we stand on the brink of new jobs in Greenville and Georgiana.
Now, with this national exposure, Greenville will surely be seen as a destination for developers.
It is also important to note that these leaders also strive to work with our existing industries.
It is a win-win situation and our future has never looked as bright as it does now.
So to all those involved in bringing new economic development to our area and for keeping the existing companies strong, we say thank you.
We knew long before Southern Business and Development award just how special you all are and how special Butler County truly is to those who live here.
Good job and congratulations!