New law: ID required for absentee voters
Published 12:00 am Saturday, April 17, 2004
If you aren’t going to be in the area for the June 1 Democratic Primary, the absentee ballot is the way to providing all rules are followed.
Circuit Clerk Allen Stephenson wants the public to know that some things have changed in the way the county will take the absentee ballots.
&uot;There is a significant change in the elections laws this year,&uot; he said.
&uot;This will be our first election where some type of identification will be required to turn in an absentee ballot.&uot;
Appli-cations for absentee ballots must be filed in Stephenson’s office no less than five days prior to the June 1 primary.
That means the deadline to apply to use the absentee ballot is Thursday, May 27 by 5 p.m.
For those with medical or business emergencies, the deadline to file an application will be no later than Friday, May 28 by 5 p.m.
The moved back date reflects that Monday’s Memorial Day holiday.
Stephenson said any qualified voter of Butler County might vote an absentee ballot, provided they meet the requirements as contained in the application.
After completing and signing the application, the voter may hand deliver the ballot to Stephenson at the courthouse or send it in by the U.S. Postal Service.
Stephenson emphasizes that no one other than the voter may bring in the application.
By law, Stephenson can only accept one application per envelope that is received by mail.
The application must provide the Alabama residence address where the voter is registered to vote, even if the ballot is to be mailed to another address where the applicant/voter regularly receives mail.
Stephenson urges anyone who has moved since registering to vote to contact the Butler County Board of Registrars to update his or her address prior to applying for an absentee ballot.
Call them at 382-5685, visit in person for write them at 700 Court Square, Greenville, 36037.
There are many methods of identification that will be accepted, and Stephenson doesn’t see a problem.
&uot;There is no reason why it should cause a problem for anyone unless they don’t have access to a copy machine,&uot; he said.
Current photo ID showing name and address.
Copy of a current utility bill,
Copy of bank statement
Copy of government check
Copy of paycheck
Other government document that shows the name and address of the voter.
Valid ID issued by a branch, department, agency, or entity of the State of Alabama, any other state, or the U.S. authorized by law to issue personal identification.
Valid U.S. passport.
Valid Alabama hunting or fishing license.
Valid Alabama permit to carry a pistol or revolver.
Valid pilot’s license issued by the FAA or other authorized U.S.
Valid U.S. military identification card.
Certified copy of the elector’s birth certificate.
Valid Social Security card.
Certified naturalization documentation.
Certified copy of court records showing adoption or name change.
Valid Medicaid card
Valid Medicare card
Valid EBT card
For more information, please call Stephenson at 382-3521.