Projects in full swing for progress
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, September 24, 2003
The Greenville City Council conducted business as usual at its bimonthly meeting on Monday, Sept. 22, at its chambers in City Hall.
Two items on the council’s agenda were resolutions authorizing change orders for the Mac Crenshaw Memorial Airport taxiway project.
Mayor Dexter McLendon said the change orders were for changes to riprap in ditches at the airport, and were normal adjustments that are made on these types of projects.
The council also approved the acceptance of the Delta Regional Authority Grant that was approved for the Hysco rail spur project.
&uot;The grants totaled $500,000 – $250,000 from Delta and $250,000 from Alabama Department of Community and Economic Affairs for this site development project that will ultimately provide 125 jobs in our community,&uot; McLendon said. &uot;Hysco has to have a rail spur for their facility; this grant is for that.&uot;
In other business, the council approved:
n Resolution 2003-77, selecting Roth, McHugh and Associates as the grant administrator for the Hysco America Company CDBG Economic Development Rail Spur project and authorizing the mayor to enter into a contract with Roth, McHugh and Associates.
n Resolution 2003-78, selecting Goodwyn, Mills and Cawood as the project engineer for the Hysco America CDBG Economic Development rail spur project and authorizing the mayor to enter into a contract with Goodwyn, Mills and Cawood.
n Resolution 2003-79, authorizing change order No. 1 for the airport security perimeter fencing project, FAA AIP project No. 3-01-0036-004-2003.
n Resolution 2003-80, authorizing a waiver of both the CDBG grant ceiling and private match amount for housing rehabilitation project No. LR-CM-RR-02-014.
n Resolution 2003-81, authorizing continuation of operation under existing 2003-03 budget pending adoption of FY 2003-04 budget at the council’s next meeting.
n Resolution 2003-82, awarding the bid for the police department vehicle fleet repair contract for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2003-September 30, 2004, to McKinley Tire and Sales at an hourly rate of $50.
n Resolution 2003-83, awarding bids for the police department vehicle 5,000-mile routine maintenance/cleanup contract for the next fiscal year to Duke’s Shell/MJ’s Car Wash for $25 for the maintenance and $13 for vehicle cleanup. A lower bid was submitted from two sources – one for maintenance, another facility for cleanup. The Duke’s/MJ’s bid was accepted because it would eliminate down time for the vehicles because both services would be performed at the same place at the same time.
o Resolution 2003-84, awarding the bid for police vehicle towing contract to Till’s Wrecker Service for $27.50, for calls within and without the city limits, mileage per mile $1.50 day and night.
The city also approved cleanup and billing of these sites for weed and debris violations:
o Eugene and Carrie Payne – corner of Washington and Gamble streets
o Ralph Payne – Gamble Street
o Mary Herbert – Oglesby Street
o Lizzie Mae Jones – Oglesby and Perdue Street
o Alfred Lee Randolph, Sr. and Annie Jewel Stone Randolph – corner of Parmer and Church streets.
o Daisy Williams – lot next to 132 Parmer Street