Remember pets feel the heat too
Published 12:00 am Saturday, July 5, 2003
Summertime is a great time to get outdoors whether it's the park, the beach or even in your own yard. Summer is an especially great time to spend with pets outside, but the season can also be hazardous for them.
One of the hazards to pets in the summertime is heat stroke. According to the American Animal Hospital Association, "cars are potential death traps during the hot summer months because inside temperatures can
quickly climb to more than 120 F on even a mild sunny day.It’s best to leave your pet at home while running errands during hot weather."
If pets do have to be kept in the car keep windows open as wide as possible without providing an escape route;
or, put your pet in a well-ventilated cage inside the car and open the windows fully.
Also, it is a good idea to provide fresh water and to check the car every 10 minutes.
If your pet is panting, has a staring or anxious expression, does not obey commands, has warm, dry skin and a high fever, rapid heartbeat, or is vomiting, lower the body temperature quickly with cool water – either by immersion or by spraying thoroughly with a garden hose. Call your veterinarian immediately.