Fine eating found on the coast
Published 12:00 am Saturday, July 5, 2003
Several months ago I wrote in my column about a trip I had taken to Newfoundland, a Canadian province.
I described the beauty I found in our neighboring country, and I discussed the unusual cuisine which I had experienced.
I made little or no mention of politics in that particular column, but based on the response I received from you – my constituents – it apparently was one of my more popular columns.
So today I thought I would share with you a very interesting weekend which I just concluded.
It included some good fellowship, outstanding cuisine, and information useful to me as both a legislator and a teacher.
On Thursday I began my weekend venture with a visit to my friend and mentor, Jimmy Faulkner, of Bay Minette, Alabama.
Jimmy defies every adage that one slows down in his senior years.
He maintains regular business hours in his office, he keeps up a demanding travel schedule in behalf of his company, Volkert & Associates, he gives countless hours to Faulkner University as a member of the school’s board of trustees, and somehow he finds an opportunity to spend some quality time with friends like me.
His lovely wife, Karlene, is a charming and hospitable lady who hosted me in their home with a delicious fresh vegetable meal, the kind that you wish for but seldom get.
After lunch, Jimmy and I talked a little business and I was on my way to Biloxi, Mississippi where I presided over a National Energy Council meeting in mid-afternoon and enjoyed an early evening dinner with my good friend from Greenville, Horace Horn.
Horace is the Governmental Affairs Director for the Alabama Electric Co-Ops.
He does an outstanding job and has an extremely committed work ethic that has gained him many friends in governmental circles.
The dinner we shared together, with several other Alabama legislators, was at one of my favorite places, Mary Mahoney’s.
This restaurant was established in 1757 and has been in continuous existence since that time.
It is located just about five miles from the Mississippi coastal home of Jefferson Davis, the President of the Confederacy.
I ordered the featured entre’ which is called Lobster Georgio.
It is so popular at this wonderful restaurant that they have actually been issued a trademark for this particular dish.
It consists of a half Maine lobster that has been taken from the shell, then cut into small bites and put back in the shell with baby shrimp covered with a special sauce.
It is then topped off with melted cheese.
I left Biloxi the next morning and drove to Mobile where I caught a plane to Washington, D.C. to attend a law school conference.
This conference was designed to present the latest techniques in law school teaching.
I encourage the faculty at Jones School of Law, where I serve as dean, to keep abreast of current methods.
This is an important way to keep a law school strong and viable with its teaching program.
It was in Washington that I had another outstanding culinary experience.
I dined at a relatively new restaurant called DC Coast.
The featured dish at this fine eating establishment was fried lobster served on a bed of sauted spinach.
The lobster was marinated in a dark soy sauce and proved to be a very tasty but unusual treat.
I returned Sunday morning in time to attend regular church services, and after that, I sat down with my wife and family at lunch where we enjoyed probably the best meal I had all weekend, an old fashioned BLT sandwich.
For those who have forgotten, that’s a bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich with extra mayonnaise on good ole wheat bread.
Next week I’ll try to talk a little more politics.
Until then, happy eating, and remember &uot;I’ll go with you or I’ll go for you&uot; to help you solve any problem related to state government.
Senator Wendell Mitchell can be reached at 334-242-7883, or by writing to P O Box 225, Luverne, Alabama 36049.