Let me catch my breath…

Published 12:00 am Saturday, June 7, 2003

It’s now 1:10 in the morning—Monday morning, to be exact. If I get all the copy written that I want to write for this week’s paper I may be up several more hours. The drooping eyelids and difficulty staying on task I am currently experiencing suggest I may not make it.

But what a weekend it was!

Friday we had a wonderful ACS survivor’s luncheon at First Baptist Church.

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All the volunteers did a terrific job putting it all together, from assembling the door prizes, planning the program and providing the goodies and door prizes to the decorations and the delicious food.

I saw many people who are so special to me and I rejoiced that they are among the survivors, for my life would certainly be emptier without their presence in it.

And dear Linda Holley was an absolute delight in her new incarnation as Mimi the clown (Linda’s gone to a real clown school in the Magic City, you know).

I assure you I will be bringing you the story behind the new clown in town in a future edition of the Advocate.

There also was the terrific Trash and Treasure Sale sponsored by the ladies of St Thomas Episcopal Church this weekend.

It kicked off Friday evening.

Let me tell you, there must have been about six dozen of us waiting outside the doors, all happy to part with $5 in order to have first chance at the bargains within.

When the clock struck five, we were ready to rummage!

Anne Feathers and Marcia Lindstrom tell me they racked up tremendous sales that evening, all of which goes to the church’s very worthwhile community outreach activities.

And while only a few brave souls made it out to the fairgrounds on a nasty, wet Saturday morning, the good ladies of St Thomas proved to be one another’s &uot;best customers&uot; once the sale was open to them.

Friday night, it was time to visit Ann and Freddy Daughtry’s charming Park Street home for a cookout in honor of the Notre Dame students. The nine had enjoyed a wonderful time in the country that afternoon canoeing, swimming and riding the hills and hollows of Butler County on four wheelers.

That night the thunder and lightning held off just long enough for everyone to enjoy some outdoor time and chow down on Freddy’s delicious grilled burgers, sausages and all the trimmings and fixings.

Yum, yum!

Saturday it was time for the much-awaited presentation of the plans created by those talented students for our fair city.

If you missed the presentation, you missed a treat.

If you never got the chance to meet and talk with these kids, you missed another one.

Our visitors were treated to a very tasty lowcountry' boil, fun skits presented by Daughtry and Company and lots of karaoke and camaraderie under the stars.

But the weekend wasn’t over for this busy reporter.

Sunday afternoon took Mom and me to the Ritz for the final performance of the Fort Dale Academy Drama Club’s presentation of &uot;Oklahoma!&uot;.

Once upon a time, many of those who took the stage were students in my elementary art and music classes.

I was very, very proud of them all.

Kudos to director Nonie Taylor for an outstanding job.


Now do you see why I am running on empty? Hey, I love my job…but I better get some shuteye soon. See you at Relay!

Angie Long is a staff writer and columnist for the Greenville Advocate.

She may be reached by e-mail at angie.long@ greenvilleadvocate.com or you may call and leave a message at 334.382.5145.