All Achiever Award#039; candidates are winners
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, May 7, 2003
This week, the Greenville Area Chamber of Commerce and Greenville YMCA Achiever Award winners will be announced.
Two out of the 28 candidates will receive the award and accompanying $1,500 scholarships.
This annual award now in its sixth year is designed to recognize the outstanding senior male and female athletes of Butler County school who also exemplify the attributes of Christian, community and academic leadership.
To be nominated for the award is an honor in itself. With such demanding schedules, these students find time to not only improve upon their own personal qualities, but also to find ways to give back to the community.
These outstanding students have been taught by many of those in the community, and it is satisfying that we can produce such great individuals who will in their turn teach the children of tomorrow to follow in their footsteps.
The award says a lot about these students, and their devotion not only to growing as individuals, but giving back to those who helped them succeed.
Only one male and one female will be chosen for the top awards, but all of these students are "achievers" and we should be proud of them for their dedication and service to Butler County.