Sail on ship of state, on even keel
Published 12:00 am Saturday, February 8, 2003
We've arrived at a point in this great nation where even the birds turn up their beaks at the findings of the pollsters.
One railbird the other day was beard to chirp that &uot;those surveys are so rigged and so slanted that even humanity at large also is turning up its snout at the published results.&uot;
And that ain't all, folks; it's also been revealed that the number of folks showing even the slightest interest in news broadcasting is dwindling.
The two above statements appear to be in unison, thus it is heartening to speculate that should they be accurate, perhaps the ship of state may be righting itself.
And it's about time, or so say those who search for solutions that will correct the wrongs extant in today's tumultuous, stressful times.
Examples of political talk shows and news reporting at opposite ends of the spectrum appear to be epitomized by folks like Rush Limbaugh and Dan Rather.
Both exhibit fairly closely their preferences in their approach to portrayals of the passing scene, one ultra-conservative, the other ultra-liberal.
There must be a middle ground somewhere, like water seeking its own level, that fits all sizes.
If the news interest is on the wane as speculated, perhaps the &uot;peepul&uot; will start doing a little soul searching and thinking on their own for a change.
That may, if true, solve some of the knotty problems that have been hatched and botched for ever so long.
Such a solution is devoutly prayed for.
Meanwhile, sail on, oh ship of state . . . on an even keel.