Democratic stumpers stop in Greenville
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, October 30, 2002
The Alabama Democratic Party added Greenville to its list of stops, Monday, Oct. 28, during its recent 2,000-mile statewide bus tour of Alabama. Several Democratic candidates currently running for re-election were on board the bus, and debarked at the Courthouse steps to stump awhile.
Most notable among the traveling candidates were Carolyn Gibson, who is running for State Auditor, Ron Sparks, who is running for Agriculture Commissioner, and Boyd Whigham, the Democratic Attorney General candidate.
Gibson, who currently serves as Alabama’s Chief Deputy State Auditor, was happy with the tour.
&uot;We’ve had a great turnout at each of our stops,&uot; Gibson said. &uot;The people seemed to be really excited about the chance to actually meet us. Most of us are low-ballot candidates, and many of them have never met us before and don’t know who we are. It’s great to be able to shake their hands and let them know where we stand.&uot;
Gibson said that the people she met on the tour mostly seemed interested in the economy and education.
&uot;They also seemed interested in the number of women running on the Democratic ticket,&uot; she said. &uot;I think they are encouraged by so many being on the ballot.&uot;
On hand to hear Gibson speak were her mother-in-law, Tootsie Gibson and brother-in-law, Gene Gibson. Both are Greenville residents.
The candidates were accompanied by Alabama Democratic Party Chairman Redding Pitt and Executive Director Marsha Folsom.
In his speech to the assembled crowd, Pitt encouraged Greenville’s residents to get out and vote.
&uot;These are important positions the candidates are seeking, especially for law enforcement,&uot; Pitt said. &uot;We need everyone to vote in support of their candidates.&uot;
Though the impromptu crowd was sparse, those attending seemed to appreciate the chance to meet the candidates.
Ella Hawkins, a Butler County Courthouse employee for 18 years, said this was the first tour of this type she’s seen.
&uot;I think it’s wonderful that they decided to come to Greenville,&uot; Hawkins said. &uot;I appreciate the opportunity to hear them speak.&uot;