Water study a step in the right direction
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, September 25, 2002
While there is no
cause to sound the alarm and say that Greenville and Butler County has a water problem, it's clear to us that the city and county and county water entities are taking a step in the right direction to make sure we don't have one.
The council's approval to seek a CDBG grant to fund a study of water needs and whether a large resevoir can be built in Butler County tells us that our boards have the foresight to seek options well in advance of actually having to be faced with them.
While we're only in the first inning of a nine inning ball game, at least we're walking to the plate. We may not hit a home run, but you don't know until you swing the bat what you can accomplish.
Our wish is that we didn't have to seek options to fund the growing water needs of Greenville and Butler County, but the reality is that we our water well system can't meet the needs of residents forever, and that's where the need is.
Water is also big business and can be a big drawing card for both industry and recreation. That coupled with the other positive things our city and county is doing to improve the quality of life in Butler County tells us we'll hit a home run sooner rather than later.