Horn resigns from GHS faculty
Published 12:00 am Saturday, July 13, 2002
At Thursday night's regular Butler County Board of Education meeting, board members accepted the resignation of Greenville High School science teacher and baseball coach Brad Horn. The board approved the resignation, to be effective immediately.
The board also approved the employment of Donald Ray Mixon as a Georgiana High School physical education teacher, Tony Hatten as a Georgiana High School custodian, Jacqueline Pierce as a Greenville Middle School sixth grade teacher, Shari Powell as a GMS fifth grade teacher, Melissa Teague as a GMS parent involvement assistant, Chad Adams as a McKenzie High School science and physical education teacher and coach, April McNaughton as a W. O. Parmer Elementary School teacher, Malicia Moody as a W. O. Parmer teacher and Jennifer Norman as a W. O. Parmer teacher.
Transfers approved included Gilda Robinson, from R. L. Austin as a special education services teacher to Butler County Alternative School in the same position, Doris Rankins from Greenville Middle School fifth grade teacher to GMS seventh grade teacher, Janie Lee from special education services aide at Greenville High School to Greenville Middle School in the same position and Peggy Gandy from special education services aide at R. L. Austin to Georgiana High School in the same position.
The board also acted upon the following:
Approved the maternity leave of GHS special education teacher Mary Ann Sells.
Approved the advertisement for bids for pest control services, gas services and projectors.
Accepted the bid of Ellis Oil Company for the supply of gasoline for school buses.
Approved a special Board of Education meeting scheduled for August 1 to discuss possible changes to be made in the Code of Conduct.
Recognized board members Billy Jones and John Peagler for special achievements.