West Point hosts kids#039; carnival in park
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, April 24, 2002
One of the new teams for 2002 in the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life event hosted a carnival in Confederate Park last Saturday afternoon. Team members from the pillow plant at WestPoint Stevens organized and hosted the event as part of their effort to raise money in the continuing fight against cancer.
Two special amusements that drew the attention of many of the children present were the bouncy castle' and the balloon typhoon', both activities proving to be crowd-pleasers. Kids also had a chance to enjoy several games, including a balloon dart toss and bean bag throw. Others chose to have the mysterious Sister Ann' gaze into her crystal ball to tell their fortunes. Plenty of good food, crafts and music were also on hand for young and old alike to enjoy.
WestPoint employees were highly entertained by the sight of one of their own supervisors, Roger Lansdon as the recipient of a pie in the face. Lansdon was so honored after raising the most contributions in his Relay money jar at work.
The previous weekend, the pillow plant held a special pillow sale in front of the local Fred's Discount Store to raise money for Relay. The team has future plans to host a basketball game between the pillow and blanket plant employees to raise additional funds.