Take a lesson from Mr. Riley
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, March 27, 2002
Every week as I am working on the opinion page for both editions of The Greenville Advocate, I am always on the look-out for letters to the editor.
Letters from readers are a necessity in this business whether they are good, bad, positive or negative. This is where readers give us the newspaper staff as well as the community feedback on a wide range of issues
from mistakes in the newspaper to the workings of local government to thank you's for various services throughout the community.
One person in the community that I always can rely on for feedback and general opinions is Mr. Fred H. Riley Sr. of Greenville. Although I have never had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Riley, he is one of The Greenville Advocate's most active readers. Sometimes he comments on issues that affect us on a regular basis as residents of the Camellia City, and sometimes he just reminds us of the good ole' days. But, whatever Mr. Riley has on his mind, it always makes for interesting reading.
As I understand it, Mr. Riley is now 97 years old, but from the letters he writes to the paper, he's sharp, and he always has an interesting take on the way the world is now.
Everyone in Greenville and Butler County has an opinion. Believe me, I hear them on an everyday basis. But, most opinions come through the telephone wire rather than through snail mail or e-mail. The opinion page of the newspaper is there for those comments, questions and concerns, and I encourage all citizens of Butler County to take advantage of this opportunity for the rest of the county's residents to hear the concerns that we are faced with as individuals, families and residents of this great city.
After almost 90 years, Mr. Riley is still a dedicated reader, and on top of that, a dedicated writer. We should all learn from him, and make a commitment to let the citizens of Butler County hear our concerns and praises too.
Thanks, Mr. Riley, for your dedication to making us all remember the things that we often take for granted. Write us soon.