Transplanted, Crenshaw County-style
Published 12:00 am Saturday, November 10, 2001
Well, here I am at my newly adopted home, at 118 South Forest Ave., in Luverne.
As I write this column, it is Monday evening.
I thought when I married Cindy that I was moving for the last time, but now I find that I am once again looking through those wonderful marvels of science, a great product of trees known to us as cardboard boxes, searching for something that seemed highly-organized when I packed it, but now does not.
Unconsciously, I removed some items that are now actually duplicated here, and absent in Greenville n nothing too important, just things like the device needed to load digital pictures from our cameras to the computer.
But fear not readers, on my way home to the Camellia City, I will drop the necessary tools-of-the-trade back where they belong.
What seems to me to be the most important item lost in packing, and I have yet to find, is my instructions on how to put a Furby into deep sleep.
I thought (and still do) that Furbys are cool to look at, and had mine in a place of prominence on the desk in Greenville.
Even carefully packed him, wrapped in paper, before placing him into the box.
But I have since found the threshold for "Deep Sleep" mode on the furry little joker
The threshold is met when he was placed into a cardboard box, and bounced around, while moving from the office to the car.
Four boxes deep on the backseat of my car, traveling from Greenville to Luverne this morning, he started talking to me, saying, "Heey, feed me!"
I almost wrecked thinking someone was in the car!
Guess my little green Taurus would have looked funny (and obvious as a sore thumb) sitting in the middle of a mature, and brightly white-colored cotton field.
But once I got to the office, I promptly followed the sound until I found the box he was in, and removed him.
I have since placed him on the tower of my computer, without talking to him, feeding him, or just plain messing with him, and guess what n he is sleeping again!
Looks so peaceful atop that thing, eyes closed, mouth silent.
Anyway, I have met more people than I am afraid I will be able to remember names for, and it is only the first day.
But I did meet the stringers for my Crenshaw County football teams this morning n important things have to be prioritized, don'tcha know.
How about those two Tigers teams, and the Eagles?
Ft. Dale pulled one off in overtime Friday night, against what will probably turn into an annual grudge team, that being Mobile Christian Academy, and are now headed to round two, when they will be travel to face Bessemer this weekend.
And then there are the new Tigers coaches times two!
Alvin Briggs has done his phenomenal normal job of guiding the team he is coaching to excellence, and for the first time in a long one, Greenville High School is Class 5A playoff-bound, as they will be at home to host round one this week.
But not to be outdone simply because they are Class 1A, Coach Shane Smothers has come through with the promise he made early this summer.
He has brought the determined McKenzie Tigers to playoff status, after two weeks ago guiding them through winning the regional championship.
Again, I ask that you all make Amy Fuller feel really welcomed, "Camellia City" style, as she will soon learn her way around Greenville and Butler County, emerging as a tremendous asset to the community, just as Managing Editor Stacey Killingsworth has done.
Until next week, you know where you can find me, if looking to the sideline; I will be the one with a camera around my neck, out in Deep Left Field.