Sweet things and other happenings
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, October 24, 2001
Last Saturday just happened to be "Sweetest Day" across our land.
In case you missed it, you still have time to celebrate.
Sweetest Day is a chance to honor and appreciate all sorts of nice, kind, supportive folks. The kind of people out there who make your daily life a little brighter, easier, more loving…in fact, sweeter.
Maybe it's the nurse at the doctor's office who called you "Sweetie' and gave you a wink and a smile. Maybe it was your kid's teacher who showered your kid with praise and made him feel like a million bucks.
Maybe it's the spouse who worked overtime to be able to provide a much-needed vacation experience for the family
Maybe it is that one friend you can always count on to listen without prejudice, to love without conditions, to laugh with you and provide that shoulder on which to cry.
Those sweetest people in our lives may not be part of our "blood kin". Perhaps they are simply sisters and brothers of the heart.
One thing's for sure. They make our sometimes dark and crazy world a better, saner, brighter place.
So, send a card, write em a note, give them a call. Personally deliver a small gift-fresh flowers from the garden, homemade cookies, a jar of cocoa, a book of devotionals.
They've comforted, soothed and encouraged you so return the favor. So what if you missed the official date? It's never too late, or too soon, to let others know you appreciate them.
So, choose your own Sweetest Day and celebrate.
Something we all can celebrate is the absolutely gorgeous weather we have enjoyed recently. While those of us with allergy problems are sniffling and sneezing our way around town and country, the view- cloudless azure skies above and brilliantly hued autumn flowers-makes up for it, don't you think?
Of course, all the harvest and Halloween-themed decorations at businesses and homes only add to the color and fun.
I've had a great time checking out the array of scarecrows currently appearing around Greenville.
The winners of the Main Street contest-Main Street Movies, Hampton Inn and the Humane Society-deserve kudos for their imaginative creations. Great job, guys! Be sure to stop by and see their handiwork.
And while you're at it, make plans to come out to Oktoberfest this Saturday at Confederate Park. Nancy Idland and the Main Street crew have worked and planned long and hard for this community event and there will truly be something for everone.
I sometimes hear people complain about the lack of inexpensive, family-oriented activities available
well, here is a day filled with magic, music, arts and crafts, face painting, costume contests and more and it's FREE.
I understand there's already been a special order' put in for more fantastic weather so it should add it to a picture-perfect family day.
See y'all at the Fest!