Cow Patty Bingo#039; announced
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, September 5, 2001
"What is cow patty bingo?" one might ask. "it is a fun way to help raise the much needed funds for Greenville High School Band Boosters, and also a way to win at the same time," said Sylvia Luckie, member of the Boosters.
An event that coincides with the annual Sweet Potato Festival at the Butler County Fairgrounds, the event is just what its name implies n bingo involving cow patties!
"Tickets for Cow Patty Bingo are $10 each, and the owner of the winning ticket will win $1,000," said Luckie. "A designated bingo board' is marked off on a field, and each spot is numbered, to coincide with the tickets. A cow is then brought out onto the field, and wherever the patty gets placed, the owner of that number's ticket will win the prize."
"The event will take place on Nov. 3, during the Sweet Potato Festival, but tickets are already available," said Diane Jennings, president of the Greenville High School Band Boosters. "We are encouraging people to run, and not walk, to the nearest Band Booster to purchase their ticket."
The Band Boosters are responsible for raising the necessary funds to purchase band equipment and uniforms, as they are not purchased by the school system.
Jennings recently told the boosters at the group's meeting just how much uniforms would cost.
"To outfit the band, we will have to raise nearly $30,000 n the problem is that the uniforms we have don't fit the kids n they are either too short, too narrow, or too wide."
An integral part of the Greenville High School program, the Tiger Pride' Band comes to all of the home and away football games, and that, according to Jennings is expensive in itself.
"Someone has to pull the trailers loaded with all the band equipment to the away games, and the cost of fuel is extremely high, not that I have to remind anyone," she said. "If people don't personally know a Band Booster member, they can just come by our concession stand at home games to get their tickets."
Jennings said another way people can obtain their tickets for the Bingo event is to call her at 382-5579 or 382-8000.
"As they say in Cow Patty Bingo language, MOOOOOO!' which loosely translated, means good luck," she said.