Give MDA the boot
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, August 1, 2001
This year the Greenville Fire Department will again be taking part in a fund-raising event that has touched more service-minded people than any other — working for Jerry’s Kids.
As we draw closer to the Labor Day weekend, we also approach an annual event close to every American’s heart. The Jerry Lewis Muscular Dystrophy Association telethon.
And to coincide with the national fund-raising effort, fire departments all over the nation will be taking part in community campaigns entitled &uot;Give MDA the boot.&uot;
Members of the Greenville Fire Department and Greenville Firefighters’ Association will be out in numbers at the local shopping centers and businesses, shaking a boot, raising loose pocket change from passersby to send in to the MDA.
&uot;Firefighters love children, and MDA is a disease that primarily effects children,&uot; said Capt. Charles &uot;Andy&uot; McKeown, of the Greenville Fire Department. &uot;We all carry loose change in our pockets, that we will just throw on our dressers or in a glass once we get home, so why not pitch it into the fire boot for a good cause?&uot;
GFD’s &uot;Boot Drive&uot;, set to kick off on Saturday, Aug. 11, marks the second year of their involvement with Jerry’s Kids.
&uot;Last year we were able to raise $2,500 for the telethon,&uot; said Greenville Fire Chief Mike Phillips. &uot;This year our goal is $3,000.&uot;
McKeown said his crews will understand if you cannot give.
&uot;Times are hard for everyone,&uot; he said. &uot;But if you can look into your heart and see fit to give a little, then we will certainly deliver it to the right place.&uot;
McKeown said people wishing for to call about a donation or to get more information may call him at 382-3134, or Fire Chief Mike Phillips at 382-7183.