Council approves grants
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, July 25, 2001
At Monday night's regular meeting of the Greenville City Council, City Clerk Linda VandenBosch spoke on behalf of the firm of Longshore, Buck & Longshore, P.C., which requested a price reduction on copies of records they had recently subpoenaed from the city clerk's office.
"At the time we sent the information, we also included a bill for $2 per page as we had been instructed by the council to do when we were making the report," said VandenBosch. "(The firm) has now come back and wants to pay 50 cents less per page. This did take quite a bit of time in looking all the information up and getting it compiled. I can't say exactly how many man hours, but I don't have the authority to make that reduction."
VandenBosch's recommendation was for the firm to pay at least one dollar per page, but according to City Attorney Frank Hickman, the price varies from office to office and the law does not require a set amount. He suggested that there be a set price.
Mayor Dexter McLendon's concern was that up until now, the charge has been two dollars per page and that had been the set amount for sometime. The council then stated that the amount per page would remain the same.
In other news, McLendon informed the council that all grants have been approved on the Sherling Lake walking trail project and the ISTEA sidewalks improvement projects. "Just because the grants have been approved, it doesn't mean that we can't change the plans. This is just our next step in moving forward and getting bids," he explained.
The council then accepted the resolution.
In new business, the council also:
approved issuance of a retail beer and wine license to Nanco, Inc.;
authorized a contract amendment for Garver, Inc.;
approved a city advertisement for Southern Treasures of Greenville magazine to be published by Journal Communications.
approved a law enforcement block grant for the Greenville Police Department in the amount of $11,602.
The council also approved the following expenditures/proposals:
a claim for damages of $2,398.89 to Phillip Hartley, for damages acquired while his vehicle was in possession by the City of Greenville;
$12,625.00 to Jackson, Thornton & Co., P.C. for preparation of 1999-2000 financial audit;
$8,472.00 to Goodwyn, Mills and Cawood, Inc. for engineering fees for the softball complex;
$1,920.06 to Verizon for the annual maintenance contract on city phone equipment and system;
$3,555.04 to the Alabama Department of Transportation for material tests for Industrial Blvd. paving grant project;
$12,199.00 to Garver, Inc. for a request for payment on the airport expansion project.