And a good time was hadby all
Published 12:00 am Saturday, June 9, 2001
Whether a country music fan or not, everyone found something to enjoy about the Hank Williams festival, held in Georgiana this past weekend.
Probably one of the best examples was when, on Thursday evening, the rain that swept over the songwriters' contest left just as quickly as it arrived, and one small boy (approximately three or four years old) was more entertained then ever, simply running through the water on the ground after the storm.
His mother, who was working at the concession stand, had given up on trying to keep him out of the water, realizing that it was probably the most fun someone his age could have at the event.
There were kids of all ages, from infants on up to those well into their nineties, all finding some sort of pleasure.
This is what a community that pulls together as a whole does for a good time: they make it.
Young girls could be seen whispering to each other every time young boys walked by, and the young boys could be seen blushing every time they did so.
People were dancing in the aisles, or stomping their feet, singing along with the musicians on stage, and talking to old friends, some of whom had not seen each other since the last Hank Festival.
This is what Georgianians like to call Hankin Around' n the art of having a good time, while telling those One Time' stories, and listening to the music of Hank Williams Sr.
There is, and always shall be, speculation as to where Hank is from, but without a doubt, Hank spent many of his days here in Butler County.
Several relatives of the Lonesome Cowboy' live either in Garland, or Avant and Industry, but they can all prove their relation to the late great artist.
And what about the townspeople?
People from all around the globe this weekend came to Georgiana and Greenville for the event.
And the one thing they all said was how they had never been to a friendlier place.
Consider that one of those travelers is a well-seasoned European dignitary, and the compliment gets better still.
Yep, I knew the first day that I was in the Georgiana part of the world, some 18 years ago, there was no other place like this.
We listened to a radio station out of Troy, Ala. n WIGC, which at that time occupied the 105.7 slot on the FM dial.
Their slogan was that WIGC stood for We're In God's Country' n the proof was in the pudding n one merely had to travel out into the county or along city highways, to see that everyone was friendly.
For instance, here I was, fresh into the area from three miles west of the (rotten) Big Apple' n could see the New York City skyline from my backyard n I didn't know a soul here, except for those Pop had told me about when describing the community.
But yet and still, when traveling on the road, everyone I met in passing waved at me.
I didn't know them, and they didn't know me, but they took the time to wave.
People that I had known all my life didn't wave to people they knew!
But they did in Georgiana n actually, anywhere you go in Butler County. And folks, that says it all.
If perfect strangers can take the time to wave, you need to wave back n continue the tradition and custom of the area
if for no other reason than to make people from other places notice how friendly you are.
It says a lot of good things about us all, and those visiting go back home telling all of their friends and family.
This, in turn, will draw more good people into the area, which improves the population, economy, and our way of life.
Besides, friendliness is contagious, so Catch it!
I'll be looking for you all at the ballparks, and you can find me way out there, in Deep Left Field.