Lost dogs#039; campaign a good move

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, February 14, 2001

Full-page newspaper ads titled "Lost Dogs" appeared in Alabama's four largest newspapers Sunday. The ads

part of a campaign by Gov. Don Siegelman to apply pressure to about 300,000 Alabama parents who owe $1 billion in unpaid child support

pictured the "Ten Most Wanted" parents who owe child support.

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This campaign is a splendid idea, and the governor deserves a hand.

Not only is there a chance someone might report the wherabouts of one of the "deadbeat" parents listed, but there will also be parents who will pay their child support because they don't want to be the next ones pictured in the paper.

One man from Butler County

who allegedly owes $155,968 in back child support

was pictured in the state-wide campaign that will also run in half-page ads in all the state's daily newspapers this week.

A local campaign is on its way. Within a few months, the DHR will run a "Ten Most Wanted" ad in Butler County, and every other county in the state.

This just might be the best $90,000 Gov. Siegelman has spent yet.